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Social Entrepreneurship

On Purpose Stories
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Startups, Supply Chains and Samanata Yogi

18 months ago OnP Fellow Abi Childs started her yoga clothing brand with a partner. This week she tells us about her entrepreneurial adventure.

I’ve just launched an ethical yoga clothing brand, Samanata Yogi, with my business…

Entrepreneurship and saving the seas!

When I left corporate law and joined the On Purpose Programme I thought I was making a really tough decision but as soon as I walked into Virgin Unite on my first day I knew that this was going to be an incredible experience. Virgin Unite sits within Virgin HQ and…

Ensuring the Net Generation don’t think greed is good

Aged 16, my friends and I participated in the Young Enterprise Company Programme, a scheme that enabled you to learn about starting-up and running a business. What happened next was emblematic of the times. As a group of aspiring Gordon…