Smoke, Mirrors and UFOs

People are wrong to think UFO events in the past lack relevance. What happened at Roswell has never been anything but the most important part of the story.

Mark Hammons
Point of Contact


Insignia patch of the 509th Bomb Group at Roswell. Source: Wikimedia Commons

Some folks demand “incontrovertible” evidence before they will accept that UAP exist. Are they just happier in their denial?

Unidentified flying objects (UFOs) aren’t just the stuff of tabloids anymore.

Today it’s okay for you to talk about what has been decided — somewhere by someone — are now to be called unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). By saying UAP, you are secure from the baggage shifting in flight of historically stigmatized people who have been musing about UFOs or, equally bad, “flying saucers” for the past 75 years.

You know, those nutters.

I’m here to be fitted for my satin cape. We are going to walk in procession to the landing site and meet the lizard people who are coming down from the sky because we asked nicely with group meditation to take our place in the interplanetary Parliament. We will be serving light snacks and have a cash bar.

Well, sure, still look at the fun merch, but maybe don’t buy the three day all access pass. Stranger things have been recorded to happen, though, if you care to know.



Mark Hammons
Point of Contact

Scryer, apprentice of cognitive dissonance. Medium tells me I am a Top Writer in Science, too. Thank you for that.