[DEV NOTE] ONBUFF Monthly Development Update: February

Published in
3 min readMar 4, 2024

Hello, BUFFers!!

We are introducing the latest installment of ONBUFF’s development journey: the February development note. Our focus on progress has been unwavering in this brief yet pivotal period. Aligned with our recently unveiled strategic roadmap, we’ve diligently pursued our objectives. Our efforts this month include the creation of the INNO Casual: On-Chain Game, a simple yet captivating addition to our platform designed to be enjoyed by all. As we navigate this crucial phase, we anticipate that this new offering will breathe fresh life into the INNO platform, fostering a vibrant and dynamic community experience.

📓Dev Note: INNO Platform

- Marketing

Build a roadmap for the first half of 2024
How to Download MetaMask & Sui Guide Article Creation

📒Dev Note: INNO PICK

- INNO Casual: On-Chain Game

Develop a Sui payment process
Apply Game Object Design and Modify Particles
Build the first fee transfer payment feature
Develop Game Over Scenes
Build In-Game Content and Scenes
Develop the My NFT feature and work on the UI
Develop a Logo Scene
Build additional fee transfer payment features
Build the ranking feature and work on the UI
Develop fee transfer/payment functionality
Apply Game Level Design
Integrate Blockchain Sui Mainnet API
Visualize GameObject Sprites
Apply game notification pop-ups
Apply GameObject Resources
Apply a background image
Apply a game logo
Design the on-chain game log table
Create on-chain game statistics aggregation
Creates caching for adding AUIDs to user reward logs — Caching for rank updates and handling reward completions
Develop a reward feature and cashtimer scheduler — Develop a feature to offer rewards via rankings at 0 UTC each day
Develop a reward function and cache timer scheduler — Develop a scheduler to post-process users with timer expirations in the server shutdown state.
Update game end logic — Update logic to make a Disconnect API call to the game server on game end from the web
Modify payment logic — Modify the payment api
Create NFT concept designs
Build Game Particle Effects
Create Game Object Resources

- Quest Page

Create an Achievement System Back Office Detailed Plan
Develop back-office procedures

- Samurai Shodown

Design and development of the official website

Updated Events in February

ONBUFF 2024: Roadmap

We’re excited to reveal our 2024 roadmap for ONBUFF, outlining our bold vision and goals. Our mission is to lead the way in creating a genuine Web3 experience by focusing on three key pillars:

  • Decentralized economy
  • Utility
  • Community

To achieve a decentralized economy, we’re streamlining direct economic activity and mitigating centralization risks through innovative tokenomics, in partnership with Mysten Labs for the Sui network. Additionally, we’re enhancing utility by integrating blockchain across various sectors, as seen through collaborations like Gravity for Ragnarok Labyrinth NFTs and The Cove for Little Legion NFTs, aiming to empower users with tangible economic value through digital assets. Community is at the heart of our roadmap, with a strong commitment to building a fair and transparent ecosystem. With over 560,000 engaged users on the INNO platform and ongoing communication through social media, we’re poised to make significant strides together in the exciting journey ahead.

ONBUFF 2024 Roadmap: Key Steps for Authentic Web 3

🕹️Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT

  • Regular Maintenance and Bug Reports

🕹️Little Legions NFT

  • Regular Maintenance and Bug Reports

🥰ONBUFF Social Media Community

🕊️X (Twitter):

  • Followers: 15.5K
  • Impressions this month: 2,916


  • Followers: 9,459
  • Email Subscribers: 798
  • Views: 1.5K
  • Reads: 602

🍀Naver Post:

  • Followers: 169
  • Views: 462
  • Visits: 452




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