What’s a Daily Hero?

We’re glad you asked

One Clear Step
One Clear Step
2 min readMay 6, 2022


Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

A “daily hero” is anyone who makes an effort to take One Clear Step in a direction of growth, healing, or mental health.

Our mission with One Clear Step is to make becoming your own hero easy.

We’re creating a library of simple health actions that can be searched, engaged, and shared by anyone who wants support to take consistent actions on behalf of their mental health.

  • When you step forward with any of these actions, you’re becoming your own hero.
  • When you share a story about taking those actions, you can be someone else’s hero.

We humans are part of a bonded organism called humanity. When one of us does something brave, makes an inspiring effort, or steps outside of our comfort zone to pursue human potential, we all benefit. This is especially true when we share the story of our small daily journeys.

We want to hear about your Step journeys.

When you use one of the Steps from our Step library, you can write about your experience and become a One Clear Step author by sharing it.

Please follow our submission guidelines which can be found here and join our community of collaborators in growth.


Rick Lewis — Editor and Founder



One Clear Step
One Clear Step

I’m Rick Lewis, editor & leader of a team of writers, researchers & growth leaders who are dedicated to providing useful actions for accelerating mental health.