100 days!

Episode 100–20.09.16

Pietro De Grandi
One Shot a Day
4 min readSep 21, 2016


You can follow the project on telegram → https://telegram.me/oneshotaday

Today it’s the 100th day of this project. That means that is 100 days that I shot at least one photo per day. I didn’t expected to go so far!

Don’t believe it? It’s legit, but you have to believe the talking goat!

Trento, 20.09.2016

I really have to thanks Giulio for this shot, that started from his mind!

To celebrate today’s achievement I will post my favorite shots of the last 100 days!

That’s it for today, hope you enjoyed! See you tomorrow!
Every day I post at least one photo from my life. Here’s why.

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