The End!

The last episode: 267

Pietro De Grandi
One Shot a Day


You can find all the episodes also here→

Yes, it is what it looks like: this is the final episode of the project. The motivation behind this choice is quite simple, I’ve started it to improve my photography skills and I’ve achieved the result. I’m a better photographer now. I’ve a lot more to learn but simply taking a shot every day is not helping me anymore.

Shooting something meaningful every day is a time consuming activity, and I’m not enjoying it as in the past.

So, not useful + not funny = I’m quitting.

This doesn’t mean I’m quitting photography, of course. I love it and I’m starting a different kind of project, stay tuned!

The aim of this blog was to

“ force myself to take at least one photo everyday and post it with a short description. The goal is to improve my photographic skills and share the result with you”

I think it could be now interesting to share what I’ve learned in this last 266 days.


The most important finding: taking a lot of photos does really help to improve your technique and your eye.


My mobile phone has a camera too. “I don’t care about the phone, I have a reflex!”. That’s not true. Sometimes it doesn’t matter if you are photographing with your reflex or you phone, it’s the picture that matters.

Pictures captured with my phone


Creativity and abstract things. When you run out of subjects you are forced to use your imagination. I really needed (and still need) a push to my creativity as it is not one of my best skills.

I know, I still have to improve on my creativity!


Shooting people. I love to take photograph of people, but it has always been a problem for me. I’m not comfortable with entering someone’s private sphere. This project helped me a lot, forcing me to interact with people and gain their trust.


Objects. Shooting still life images is probably the thing I improved the most. It was totally new for me, but object pictures have been the most numerous ones on this blog. Especially because of all that times I went back home from work at 9 p.m. with no ideas of what to shoot. In this episode I’ve shown how I built my home made light box. It worked well and helped me test different lighting setups.


Testing. I’ve tried a lot of techniques that I don’t even knew about. In particular it has been funny to try the cinematrograph one and the focus stack one


A new language. Last but not least, I’ve improved my english a lot. As you can read it’s not perfect and there are still errors here and there. But It has been a great opportunity for me.

I will miss this daily appointment, it has been a part of me!

See you guys 👋🏻


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