Go to One Table, One World
One Table, One World
One Table, One World is a place for people from contrasting cultural backgrounds to meet, to laugh, to cook, to heal and most of all to share the stories of their unique journeys from all over the world. Come sit with us.
Note from the editor

One Table, One World is a place for people from contrasting cultural backgrounds to meet, to laugh, to cook, to heal and most of all to share the stories of their unique journeys from all over the world. Come sit with us.

Go to the profile of Natalie Frank, Ph.D.
Natalie Frank, Ph.D.
I write about behavioral health & other topics. I’m Managing Editor (Serials, Novellas) for LVP Press. See my other articles: https://hubpages.com/@nataliefrank
Go to the profile of Jessica Archuleta
Jessica Archuleta
"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." --Maya Angelou
Go to the profile of Scarlett Anne Archuleta
Scarlett Anne Archuleta
Just a book hoarding, tea loving writer trying to finish her own sentences… 📚☕🖊
Go to the profile of Leslie Wibberley
Leslie Wibberley
Physiotherapist/Proud mama/happy wife Storyteller, finding magic in the everyday world. Repped by the extraordinary Naomi Davis of Bookends Literary
Go to the profile of Kathryn Dillon
Kathryn Dillon
Life’s a journey. Sometimes a peaceful hike in the woods, sometimes a screaming joyride down a dark highway. I’m on a quest to discover my truth by sharing it.
Go to the profile of Susan Randolph
Susan Randolph
Dietitian shifting gears. Expanding pathways. Culinary adventurer. Storytelling through food. Making nutrition real. Life lesson apprentice.
Go to the profile of Kim Duke
Kim Duke
I happily write about food, nature, and quirks of life. Creator of Scribbly: a snail mail writing program that you need in your life! www.kimdukewrites.com
Go to the profile of Beth Bruno
Beth Bruno
Human learning to be human. Writing in hopes of getting there.
Go to the profile of Terry Barr
Terry Barr
I write about music, culture, equality, and my Alabama past in The Riff, The Memoirist, Prism and Pen, Counter Arts, and am an editor for Plethora of Pop.
Go to the profile of Melissa A. Matthews
Go to the profile of TheWellSeasonedLibrarian
Dean Jones is a Librarian, Cookbook Reviewer, and writer. Dean lives in the SF Bay Area. wellseasonedlibrarian@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Michelle Marie Warner
Michelle Marie Warner
Writer of all things personal, socially conscious, sensitive AF, single LGBTQIA+ mom. Ready to bite off more than I've been chewing. michellewarner718@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Mario López-Goicoechea
Mario López-Goicoechea
London-based, Cuban writer. Author of “Cuban, Immigrant, and Londoner” https://uk.bookshop.org/a/6886/9781528994293 https://acubaninlondon.medium.com/membership
Go to the profile of Mika Oka
Mika Oka
Sharing her unique perspective on the world as a hearing-impaired autistic person with bipolar disorder despite the challenges. emikaoka.wordpress.com/home/
Go to the profile of Mark Escalera
Mark Escalera
From England. Married 35 years. 5 children and 2 grandchildren. Lived overseas 17 years in Iceland, the UK, and Liberia, West Africa. Writer for 4 publications.
Go to the profile of Darcy Reeder
Darcy Reeder
Empathy for the win! Published in Gen, Human Parts, Heated, Tenderly —Feminism, Sexuality, Veganism, Anti-Racism, Parenting. She/They
Go to the profile of Shannon Ashley
Shannon Ashley
It's not about being flawless, it's about being honest. Calling out vipers since 2018 🍵 https://ko-fi.com/shannonashley 📧 truthurts.substack.com
Go to the profile of Sandra Ebejer
Sandra Ebejer
Entertainment & lifestyle journalist. Pub in The Cut, Shondaland, Next Avenue, and more / sandraebejer.com / Twitter: @sebejer
Go to the profile of Greg Prince
Greg Prince
Bringing real feelings along with messages of inspiration and imagination to life. Awakening is the symptom of my infectious condition. Poetry is my condition.
Go to the profile of Becca Bycott
Becca Bycott
Writer, strategic comms consultant and original Bride in Reverse. I blog about relationships, cooking, digital marketing and whatever else strikes my fancy.
Go to the profile of Matt Ufford
Matt Ufford
Director of Digital Video Social Content at ESPN. Previously: U.S. Marine Corps, Uproxx, SB Nation. Recovering blogger. Tired dad.
Go to the profile of Jenny Dorsey
Jenny Dorsey
Professional chef, author, speaker. Founder of @studioatao. Mostly on IG.
Go to the profile of Tiger Hagino Reid
Tiger Hagino Reid
🐯🇯🇵 🇬🇧
Go to the profile of Geraldine DeRuiter
Geraldine DeRuiter
Founder of the award-winning (wait, what?) Everywhereist blog. My memoir, ALL OVER THE PLACE, out now: http://www.everywhereist.com/all-over-the-place/
Go to the profile of nan fischer
nan fischer
Writer, thinker, reader, picture taker. Gardener, dog lover, earth mama. Unmistakeable introvert. https://www.nannieplants.com/
Go to the profile of Saniya Aamir
Saniya Aamir
Just a dental professional trying to make dental care more accessible… one article at a time
Go to the profile of Angus Hervey
Angus Hervey
From Melbourne and Cape Town, with love. Political economist and journalist, and co-founder of futurecrun.ch
Go to the profile of TheWellSeasonedLibrarian
Dean Jones is a Librarian, Cookbook Reviewer, and writer. Dean lives in the SF Bay Area. wellseasonedlibrarian@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Jef Harmatz
Jef Harmatz
Cartoonist. Send a letter to PO Box 189, Joshua Tree, CA 92252 More at exquisiteradish.com
Go to the profile of Susan Robertson
Susan Robertson
Susan is an economist who worked in international development. Interested in food, board games, dogs, and development. Writing about whatever I feel like.
Go to the profile of Ellen Lambert
Ellen Lambert
Trainee Clinical Psychologist at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience. Research interests in Women's Mental Health.
Go to the profile of Chris Muccio
Chris Muccio
@illbeinthemountains I am just an ordinary guy in my mid-thirties, looking to share my love of nature and the mountains with others.
Go to the profile of Tammy Ha
Tammy Ha
At my best, I’m a wanderer.
Go to the profile of Daria Krauzo
Daria Krauzo
I love books, carrots and (very) long walks. I write to make sense of being human. / www.dariakrauzo.com
Go to the profile of Grace Mary Power
Grace Mary Power
Editor of Thirty over Fifty. I help you to care for yourself through spirituality and tech. We need both.
Go to the profile of Linda Horton
Linda Horton
Born a photographer, but prone to writing haiku on public transportation, or baking things. Death Doula in training. info@lindahortonphotography.com
Go to the profile of Paul Clement
Paul Clement
Food, travel and… chess writer for hire! Blog posts, articles and content for your website.
Go to the profile of Benya Clark
Benya Clark
I’m a lawyer turned writer from North Carolina. I write about sobriety, mental health, and more. Subscribe to my weekly newsletter at exploringsobriety.com.
Go to the profile of Phyllis Romero
Phyllis Romero
Freelance Writer, Armchair Psychologist, Philosopher, Upcoming Author, Nature Lover, People Lover.
Go to the profile of Leslie Lozada
Leslie Lozada
A writer from the tender age of 10. Writer, editor for Medium and Editor In Chief of NEIU’s Independent. Connection: https://linktr.ee/theLeslieLozada
Go to the profile of Ree Jackson
Ree Jackson
Helping people through career trauma. Sharing thoughts on kindness, health, parenting, and politics too. Author of the ebook Reject Revolution. Be well.
Go to the profile of Katy Velvet
Katy Velvet
Freelance writer with a lifetime of stories about mental health, gender inequality and an incurable obsession with cats.
Go to the profile of Natalie Frank, Ph.D.
Natalie Frank, Ph.D.
I write about behavioral health & other topics. I’m Managing Editor (Serials, Novellas) for LVP Press. See my other articles: https://hubpages.com/@nataliefrank
Go to the profile of Sherry McGuinn
Sherry McGuinn
Long-time writer and big-time dreamer. Screenwriter. Cat mama. Red lip aficionado. sherrymcguinn@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Louisa Chalmer
Louisa Chalmer
I overcame an autoimmune immune disease naturally 2.5 years after diagnosis. Now I help others do the same with their chronic health issues.
Go to the profile of Moshe Forman
Moshe Forman
When I’m not a poet or novelist, I'm exploring Self, Food, Society and History. And when I'm not doing that, I'm a technical writer. www.mosheforman.com
Go to the profile of Marisa Garreffa
Marisa Garreffa
Poetic and critical reflections on life, trauma, recovery, soul, and healing; with art and performance as pathways back into embodied existence.
Go to the profile of Lynne Wardach
Lynne Wardach
Living the Byzantine Catholic, plant-based cooking, crafting, and homeschooling-mom life and then blogging about it all at ByziMom.com.
Go to the profile of Aleksandra Sikorska
Aleksandra Sikorska
Foodie, data analyst, mindfulness fan
Go to the profile of Duke Of Chaos
Duke Of Chaos
Father of six and counting. Life is Chaos. Death is Entropy. Chaos is winning. I am the Duke of Chaos. danielocasey.com https://upscri.be/f8cbbd
Go to the profile of Melissa A. Matthews
Go to the profile of Peter Flom
Peter Flom
Word person. Math person. Learning disabled adult (www.IAmLearningDisabled.com). 2E.
Go to the profile of Christine Barba
Christine Barba
Writer, traveler & Culture Trip editor, focusing on global cultures & brain health. Words in VICE, Google Travel via EVG & more: http://www.christinebarba.com/
Go to the profile of Benjamin Davis
Benjamin Davis
Co-founder of Chill Subs
Go to the profile of Arun Rafi
Go to the profile of Danika Bloom
Danika Bloom
USA Today bestselling romance author of steamy rom-coms. Mentor @ AuthorEverAfter.com. My books on Amazon: amazon.com/author/danikabloom
Go to the profile of John Gorman
John Gorman
Yarn Spinner + Brand Builder + Renegade. Award-winning storyteller with several million served. For inquiries: johngormanwriter@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Diliny M. De Alwis
Diliny M. De Alwis
an author, a scientist, a product leader, and coach. I write about food, family, philosophy, and life.
Go to the profile of Niko McCarty
Niko McCarty
Science journalism at NYU. Previously Caltech, Imperial College. #SynBio newsletter: https://synbio.substack.com Web: https://nikomccarty.com
Go to the profile of Shannon Page
Shannon Page
Writer, editor, thinker of things, living on Orcas Island, Washington state. https://www.shannonpage.net
Go to the profile of Kathryn Dillon
Kathryn Dillon
Life’s a journey. Sometimes a peaceful hike in the woods, sometimes a screaming joyride down a dark highway. I’m on a quest to discover my truth by sharing it.
Go to the profile of Shobha Roy
Shobha Roy
Stay At Home Mom Writer. I love to write about food, travel, parenting, and poetry. Follow me on https://www.linkedin.com/in/shobha-roy-a2361033/
Go to the profile of Kristi Keller
Kristi Keller
Write like no one is reading, because it might be true. Never let the truth stand in the way of a good story. https://wildhoodwanted.substack.com/
Go to the profile of James Finn
James Finn
James Finn is an LGBTQ columnist, a former Air Force intelligence analyst, an alumnus of Act Up NY, and an agented but unpublished novelist.
Go to the profile of Amanda Balkema
Amanda Balkema
A lover of the Jesus, ocean, books, and all things coffee and chocolate. Passionate about helping people with their life and relationships!
Go to the profile of Oren Cohen
Oren Cohen
Software Engineer and Blogger. He/Him. Contact me: oren@thegeekwriter.com Newsletter: https://theorencohen.substack.com GP: https://geekpeek.blog
Go to the profile of Just Hanging Out
Just Hanging Out
Still here for the residuals.
Go to the profile of Michelle Monet
Michelle Monet
Musician. Author. Poet. Seeker. Currently writing Showbiz Memoir and Broadway style Musical. My 5 books are on Amazon. Contact: 1020monet@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Michelle Klieger
Michelle Klieger
I’m an economist by training, a nerd at heart, and now a writer.
Go to the profile of Cynthia Marinakos
Cynthia Marinakos
Aussie Copywriter. I love rock climbing high ceilings and hiking amongst ferns.
Go to the profile of Bebe Nicholson
Bebe Nicholson
Writer, editor, publisher, journalist, author, columnist, believer in enjoying my journey and helping other people enjoy theirs. bknicholson@att.net
Go to the profile of Yomna
Things around life. Usually personal, rarely academic.
Go to the profile of Alexander Matthews
Alexander Matthews
Go to the profile of Ed Scott
Ed Scott
Ed Scott is a writer from the UK. He once reached 184cm in height and has subsequently stopped growing. edscott.blog
Go to the profile of Jacqueline Dooley
Jacqueline Dooley
Essayist, content writer, bereaved parent. Bylines: Human Parts, GEN, Marker, OneZero, Washington Post, Al Jazeera, Pulse, HuffPost, Longreads, Modern Loss
Go to the profile of Liza Donnelly
Liza Donnelly
Visual journalist/writer for New Yorker. Looking to change world w humor. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/womenlaughingfilm/women-laughing?ref=creator-nav
Go to the profile of Sadia Francine
Sadia Francine
Mother. Writer.
Go to the profile of Abouna Moses
Abouna Moses
Chef-turned-Byzantine Catholic Monk. Peregrino on the Camino and the farmland of Wisconsin. Hangin’ in my cell with Boo my Macaw. Visit me @ www.hrmonline.org
Go to the profile of Leslie Wibberley
Leslie Wibberley
Physiotherapist/Proud mama/happy wife Storyteller, finding magic in the everyday world. Repped by the extraordinary Naomi Davis of Bookends Literary
Go to the profile of Sabrina Bryant
Sabrina Bryant
I'm a wife and mom struggling to find & become my best self. I share my struggles in hopes of helping myself and others in this growth process called life.
Go to the profile of The Clumsy Gypsy
The Clumsy Gypsy
Long-term low-budget nomad writing about travel mishaps and adventures, relationships, sharing economy, and whatever else strikes my fancy that day.
Go to the profile of Caroline DePalatis
Caroline DePalatis
writer • international educator • creative instigator+hope sower: yourglobalfamily.com • 15 smart ways to raise a global citizen ➤ http://bit.ly/ygf15SM 🌎🌍🌏
Go to the profile of Simon Black
Simon Black
This is not the Simon Black that you know. This is a different Simon Black. He does not work in your organization or live in your city.
Go to the profile of Phil Rosen
Phil Rosen
Award-winning financial reporter. Co-founder of Opening Bell Daily. 2x Author.
Go to the profile of Thuận Sarzynski
Thuận Sarzynski
SDG Warrior, World Citizen, Capitalist Hippie, Scientist, Polyglot, Storyteller, Writer, Earthling, Tree Hugger, Food Lover, Adoptee & Otaku
Go to the profile of Nikki Tate
Nikki Tate
Author 40 books, creativity coach, storyteller exploring the world living the dream! Helping you find and tell your story. Writing group: WritersOnFire.net
Go to the profile of Christian Svanes Kolding
Christian Svanes Kolding
Filmmaker, Writer, Artist. My work has been in MoMA. On Medium, I post speculative fiction, humor and the occasional essay. From Copenhagen, lives in LA. 🇩🇰
Go to the profile of Lisa Spray
Lisa Spray
I 💕nature, photography, writing & travel. I find deep sharing heals. All with sincere faith are my spiritual family. Editor: The ❤️of Quran. Join us there 🤝.
Go to the profile of Allison Goodwin
Allison Goodwin
Freelance content marketer & attention-getter who specializes in boosting the visibility of non-profits. Let’s get to work at allisongoodwin.co.
Go to the profile of Victoria Halina
Victoria Halina
Explorer, starter, change agent. Polymath — you’ll tell by my writing.
Go to the profile of Mario López-Goicoechea
Mario López-Goicoechea
London-based, Cuban writer. Author of “Cuban, Immigrant, and Londoner” https://uk.bookshop.org/a/6886/9781528994293 https://acubaninlondon.medium.com/membership
Go to the profile of Erika Burkhalter
Erika Burkhalter
Photographer, yogi, cat-mom, lover of travel and nature, spreading amazement for Mother Earth, one photo, poem or story at a time. (MA Yoga, MS Neuropsychology)
Go to the profile of Nikki Kay
Nikki Kay
Words everywhere. Fiction, poetry, personal essays about parenting, mental health, and the intersection of the two. messymind.substack.com
Go to the profile of Zach J. Watson
Zach J. Watson
Moonlighting as an intern for a condiment bottle.
Go to the profile of Hannah Victoria
Go to the profile of Ellen M. Shapiro
Ellen M. Shapiro
My career is designing and writing about design. Here, I can write about lots of things. My short fiction attempts to capture and evoke past moments in time.
Go to the profile of Susan Brearley
Susan Brearley
Writing on Medium since 2016. Boost Nominator, EIC (8 publications), Entrepreneur, Coach, IMBA Community Leader, NGO Founder. https://linktr.ee/SusanBrearley
Go to the profile of Heidi Franklin
Heidi Franklin
Pacific Northwest writer, adventurer, and enthusiastic epicurean. Buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/PNWRaconteur ☕️
Go to the profile of Cherie Gilmour
Go to the profile of Jordan Fraser
Jordan Fraser
Writing words & music
Go to the profile of elana.rabinowitz
Writer. Teacher. Punster. Born & Bred Brooklynite. https://elanarabinowitz.weebly.com Words in @TheStartup @PSILoveYou @Publishous. Twitter @ElanaRabinowitz
Go to the profile of Gina Gallois
Gina Gallois
Award-winning children’s author, autism mama, feminist pirate, over-thinker, lover of audiobooks, crochet addict. She/her. bit.ly/ginagalloisauthor
Go to the profile of Sigourney Humus
Sigourney Humus
Parent of Three Medically Fragile Kids and Trans AF.
Go to the profile of Callum Hull
Callum Hull
Writes about technology, life, LGBT+ & has a hopeful outlook on life!
Go to the profile of Ray
Your favorite unnoticed writer✍️. Can’t relate to one article? Try another and you’ll see the appeal💯 https://linktr.ee/raymoney253
Go to the profile of Dekera Greene Rodriguez
Dekera Greene Rodriguez
Mama | Comics Creator | Writer with bylines in Business Insider, HuffPost, Entrepreneur, AskMen, Thought Catalog, Good Men Project | Core2Perimeter Substack
Go to the profile of Roshan Daryanani
Roshan Daryanani
Tutor, creativity enthusiast and author of Your Wisdom Is Proportional To Your Waistline: https://www.roshandaryanani.com/
Go to the profile of Chaz Brenchley
Chaz Brenchley
I write. That’s what I do. Forty-five years a pro (and counting), and never a day job. Betweentimes I cook, and garden, and am very married.
Go to the profile of Dana Slayton
Dana Slayton
Enthusiastic about life & language.
Go to the profile of Lauren Alexis Wood
Lauren Alexis Wood
Writer. Author. Publisher.
Go to the profile of Kyrie Gray
Kyrie Gray
For more history and humor subscribe to my newsletter Guffaw https://guffaw.substack.com/welcome or How Droll, Dear https://howdrolldear.substack.com
Go to the profile of Tony Ollivier
Tony Ollivier
Technologist and dad. Find my tech thrillers that star a ballet dancer on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/stores/Tony-Ollivier/author/B083D6XDVR
Go to the profile of Joe Váradi 🇭🇺
Joe Váradi 🇭🇺
Editor of No Crime in Rhymin' | Award-Winning Translator | ..."come for the sarcasm, stay for my soft side"
Go to the profile of Melody Meyer
Melody Meyer
Intrepid Auspicious curious traveler with heart wide open
Go to the profile of Vanessa Torre
Vanessa Torre
Top 10 feminist writer. Writing, coaching, and relentlessly hyping women in midilfe. linktr.ee/Vanessaltorre Email: vanessa@vanessatorre.com
Go to the profile of Freddi Woomba
Freddi Woomba
A fiction author, lover of Truth, a long-term traveler, passionate about world cultures and history. I'm an exploiter of exploiters, and also a chef.
Go to the profile of Samuel James White
Samuel James White
Writer, financial expert, and full-time traveler. Have been on the road for almost five years. Read one of my 35 historical fiction novels under James Farner.
Go to the profile of Beth Bruno
Beth Bruno
Human learning to be human. Writing in hopes of getting there.
Go to the profile of Trish Broome
Trish Broome
Unashamed nerd. Awkward mom. Kimchi connoisseur. Hot sauce addict. ’80s fanatic. Writings on motherhood, mental health, humor, being half Korean and more.
Go to the profile of Steve Lourdessamy
Steve Lourdessamy
Writer & Entrepreneur | Currently working on Spheria.ai - the only AI, certified by you, allowed to speak for you.
Go to the profile of Ranjani Rao
Ranjani Rao
I write insightful personal stories about my scientist, immigrant, travel life. 4 books http://bit.ly/RanjaniRao. Share memoir journey -www.ranjanirao.com
Go to the profile of Rosemary Loshin
Rosemary Loshin
Everything raw and real. Be good humans, we’re all in it together.
Go to the profile of Barb McMahon
Barb McMahon
I’m a post-menopausal woman living with Inflammatory Arthritis. And a bunch of plants. www.happysimple.com support my work at: https://ko-fi.com/barbmcmahon
Go to the profile of Rae B
Rae B
American Parisian, tea lover, observing change
Go to the profile of Susan Randolph
Susan Randolph
Dietitian shifting gears. Expanding pathways. Culinary adventurer. Storytelling through food. Making nutrition real. Life lesson apprentice.
Go to the profile of Emma Jones
Emma Jones
Essay writer. Published work encompasses print and online criticism, place writing, and blended memoir. Get in touch via ekj.ink.
Go to the profile of Rachael Ann Sand
Rachael Ann Sand
Passionate about the next generation of all living things. Sharing life lessons & experiences with humor and love. https://ko-fi.com/rachaelann
Go to the profile of Jeanne Dulac
Jeanne Dulac
An avid traveler and freelance photographer based in Paris. I cannot fathom my love for watermelon or find a proper line to describe myself.
Go to the profile of Justine Reed
Justine Reed
Divorced single mum ~ Gen-X business owner with an MBA I’m not using ~ Basically getting by on sarcasm and fumes
Go to the profile of Layla Kareem
Layla Kareem
Diary of a curious mind- sharing Insights, Inspiration, and in-depth perspectives . Food Lover, Dreamer. Believer.
Go to the profile of Deepi Harish
Deepi Harish
Published Storyteller on Bon Appétit, The Food Network Canada, The Huffington Post, China Daily, Post City Magazines and more. Follow me at instagram.com/d33pi/
Go to the profile of Laura Rosell
Laura Rosell
Love, sex, dreams, soul, adventure, healing, feeling. Available for projects. https://ko-fi.com/lmrosell
Go to the profile of Derek Brown
Derek Brown
Derek Brown is a writer, spirits and cocktails expert, author of Spirits, Sugar, Water, Bitters: How the Cocktail Conquered the World, and mindful drinker..
Go to the profile of Ashley Walker
Ashley Walker
ラーメン lover writing about opioids, relationships, travel, etc. Running https://hopeafteropioids.com and https://shizennaeigo.com. Email - walk.ash29@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Kim Duke
Kim Duke
I happily write about food, nature, and quirks of life. Creator of Scribbly: a snail mail writing program that you need in your life! www.kimdukewrites.com
Go to the profile of Yu-Shen
Strategy consultant by day, struggling writer by night. I am passionate about self-improvement, productivity, and most importantly, food!
Go to the profile of Alfie Jane
Alfie Jane
Forever Middle Child writing what she sees. https://alfiejaneadventures.medium.com/membership
Go to the profile of Batya
Best-selling author’s pen name. Conversation starters about writing, Jewish identity, women, life & death.
Go to the profile of Flyingfoodie
Cat lady. Coffee enthusiast. Baker. Chronic traveler.
Go to the profile of Malinee Kaewnetr
Malinee Kaewnetr
Reader. Writer.Translator. Movie buff. Lifelong learner.
Go to the profile of Terry Barr
Terry Barr
I write about music, culture, equality, and my Alabama past in The Riff, The Memoirist, Prism and Pen, Counter Arts, and am an editor for Plethora of Pop.
Go to the profile of Joe Psotka
Joe Psotka
Joe is a bricoleur, trying to understand the complexity of the place of values in a world of facts, using only common sense.
Go to the profile of Stanislav Kozlovski
Stanislav Kozlovski
A generally curious individual — software engineer, mediterranean dweller, regular gym-goer and coffee lover
Go to the profile of Chiara Bertoletti
Chiara Bertoletti
Freelance journalist. 100% Made in Italy. Always trying to be a better person
Go to the profile of Mike Alexander
Mike Alexander
France based freelance writer with a passion for the environment and quirky cultural history. http://mediumauthor.com/@mikealexander wordseeker46@yahoo.com
Go to the profile of Julia Miller
Julia Miller
Weaving a tapestry of life writing about food, family, and felines. Get a free recipe ebook at https://www.juliamillerauthor.com/quick-and-easy-pasta-dishes
Go to the profile of Traverse Davies
Traverse Davies
I do survival, self-publishing consultation, and writing. Check out my blog: https://dreamtime.logic11.com
Go to the profile of Sam Kimberle
Sam Kimberle
Perpetual student, searching for my ikigai. I am an Artist in artistic recovery care of Julia Cameron. Top writer in poetry. ❤️POM-Poet!❤️
Go to the profile of Andrew Dacey
Andrew Dacey
London-based writer and storyteller. Striving to use my personal experiences to make connections. Geek and avid tabletop gamer. With the odd political post.
Go to the profile of Ryan Frawley
Ryan Frawley
Novelist. Essayist. Former entomologist. Now a full-time writer exploring travel, art, philosophy, psychology, and science. www.ryanfrawley.com
Go to the profile of Sherrye Richardson
Sherrye Richardson
citizen, pessimist, escape artist, and writer
Go to the profile of Anne Harrison
Anne Harrison
At 10 I discovered travel, books and philosophy. Now I pass my days with a camera in one hand, a notebook in the other, looking for the perfect coffee.
Go to the profile of Faith Ann
Faith Ann
Escapades of a 20-something-year old! Writing about relationships, culture, and whatever else pops into my messy mind! https://faithann.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Farmer Georgie
Farmer Georgie
Farmer. Writer. Journalist. Farm life, food & ag. Email at farmergeorgiewrites@gmail.com. Follow at farmergeorgiewrites.substack.com. Open for assignments.
Go to the profile of Barbara Radisavljevic
Barbara Radisavljevic
Christian, bereaved adoptive mom, blogger, amateur nature photographer, voracious reader. Married 57 years. Central Coast of California. https://barbrad.com
Go to the profile of Amanda L. Renna
Amanda L. Renna
Experienced writer, editor, and content strategist with a passion for all things travel | Founder & CEO at Travelnitch.org
Go to the profile of Megan Houston Sager
Megan Houston Sager
Teacher, writer, mother, maker. I have a story about that. http://megansager.wordpress.com
Go to the profile of Piper Steele
Piper Steele
Journalist/author/editor specializing in money, relationships, food and health. Fan of brunch, Stephen Colbert, heated car seats. Click follow ⬇
Go to the profile of Farah Egby
Farah Egby
Software Agilist, Erstwhile Scientist, Music Dabbler and Amateur Human Being.
Go to the profile of Adeline Dimond
Adeline Dimond
Federal attorney, writing thought crimes on Medium. To connect: Adeline.Dimond@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Eva Sanders
Eva Sanders
PR expert, ex-reporter. I love languages, travel, and psychology. Passionate about studying reasons for behavior.
Go to the profile of Mohini Babhulkar
Mohini Babhulkar
UX Designer, Blogger, Passionate for cooking
Go to the profile of Dana Jennings Jelter
Dana Jennings Jelter
Emmy Award-winning producer. Formerly of Lucasfilm. Currently writing and making puppets in Vermont. Say hi at DanaJelter@gmail.com.
Go to the profile of Meg Mazurek
Meg Mazurek
Writer of songs and stories, with a compulsive need to overshare. www.meaghanmazurek.com
Go to the profile of Elena Kirillova
Elena Kirillova
Recovering good girl. Japanese teacher. https://linktr.ee/elenakirillova
Go to the profile of Cristina Mehedinteanu 🍰
Cristina Mehedinteanu 🍰
High passion for learning, communication, writing, food and travel. Pastry chef. From Romania. I write about food and life. Insta — https://bit.ly/37aqB4N
Go to the profile of Khusro Jaleel
Khusro Jaleel
Techie who loves to cook. Advocate of home cooked meals. Father. Dabbles in poetry, guitar, nutrition and many other things!
Go to the profile of Heather L Huffman
Heather L Huffman
Lover of reading and writing. Instagram & Facebook: Author Heather L Huffman POM- Poet💙 Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/90b57e0dbf8a/heatherlhuffman
Go to the profile of Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang
Montreal-based journalist and poet.
Go to the profile of Robert W. Locke
Robert W. Locke
Health & fitness, mental health, life lessons, humor & satire. Contact: colbor at yahoo dot com
Go to the profile of John Cortese
Go to the profile of R. Paulo Delgado
R. Paulo Delgado
✨ Book Marketing & Ghostwriting / Tech Writer / Coder / Bylines in Insider, Entrepreneur, nft now, Moneyweb, etc. 📰 / https://linktr.ee/rpaulodelgado
Go to the profile of Caterina Mastroianni
Caterina Mastroianni
A poet, writer, teacher, learning designer living in Australia.
Go to the profile of Wardah Abbas
Wardah Abbas
Founding Editor, The Muslim Women Times. I write about Gender, Culture, Equality and Islam | Visit our Website at https://www.themuslimwomentimes.com
Go to the profile of Suzanne V. Tanner
Suzanne V. Tanner
Guttersnipe at play, reinvention wizard for pay
Go to the profile of Nicci Kadilak
Nicci Kadilak
Writing about writing, motherhood and what it means to be a human in this messy world. niccisnotes.substack.com.
Go to the profile of Paul Thomas Zenki
Paul Thomas Zenki
Ghost writer, essayist, marketer, Zen Buddhist, academic refugee, living in Athens GA, blogging at A Quiet Normal Life: https://www.quietnormal.com/
Go to the profile of Tree Langdon
Tree Langdon
I write stories, and poetry, and create sketches inspired by my dreams for the world. https://wordsinmotion.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Michelle Scorziello
Michelle Scorziello
I am a special needs teacher who loves to read and write.
Go to the profile of Dr. Preeti Singh
Dr. Preeti Singh
Doctorate in Finance, Professor, Author, I write about Life’s experiences, edutech. 9xTop writer.
Go to the profile of Josh Hinton
Josh Hinton
I am a husband, Dad, Teacher, and Freelance Writer. I am a retired sailor and chef. I tell stories and write about whatever interests me.
Go to the profile of William S. Willis
William S. Willis
International educator, presenter, and gardener who would like to see the world grow better.
Go to the profile of 🚀 🚀 Manifestations of LOVE ✅🍿
🚀 🚀 Manifestations of LOVE ✅🍿
🚀 ✅ AKA Doc Samurai Sam, Ph.d. Critical Creative Hobbit ✅ 🍿Are you going to eat that? ✅ I make absolutely nothing here. Send me a demon chocolate donut ✅
Go to the profile of Pseu Pending (Seu)
Pseu Pending (Seu)
Leisure is a path to the thinking process. Museum Educator/ Contemporary Art Researcher/ Lover of the culinary arts. Top writer in Poetry, Art, Food, Creativity
Go to the profile of Curious & Hungry by Carly Dela Cruz
Curious & Hungry by Carly Dela Cruz
Gastronomic traveler & writer. Where unconventional encounters of food, travel, and culture meet insatiable curiosity and deep discovery.
Go to the profile of Every Day Life Improvement
Every Day Life Improvement
3x Top writer MSc in Agriculture and Nutrition Graduate from RMAS https://linktr.ee/bubuliiii
Go to the profile of Patricia Joseph
Patricia Joseph
Wife, mother, healthy lifestyle lover, and blogger. I’m inspired to write about moments in life that move me!
Go to the profile of Edgar Cavazos
Edgar Cavazos
BAs in Modern Languages and International Relations, I write content that is Spanish learner-friendly.
Go to the profile of Kasey Hope Martin
Kasey Hope Martin
Before all things, I am a mom. Secondary to that, I am a writer, an abuse survivor, and I try my very hardest to be an inspirer!
Go to the profile of Sam Letterwood
Sam Letterwood
Science enthusiast, Knowledge seeker, Meditation and yoga practitioner, Life-long learner
Go to the profile of Víctor SC
Víctor SC
A creative individual in a uncreative real-life job who likes calling himself an amateur photographer and likes writing about his travels, food and experiences.
Go to the profile of Fiona Morris
Fiona Morris
Scottish-Indonesian Herbalist, Writer & Host at Wanderlust Herbal Podcast | Natural Remedies to Nourish your Life & Biz 🌿 Sign up @ fionamorris.substack.com 🌺
Go to the profile of Milos Obradovic
Go to the profile of Iosé Cocuzza 🪷
Iosé Cocuzza 🪷
I'm a wellness writer, wife, and mother of two. I use personal anecdotes, a hint of humor, and life lessons to write relatable stories ~ https://iosecocuzza.com
Go to the profile of Piotr Krupa
Piotr Krupa
I am a chef and writers. Emigrant and professional buddhist. And depressed, almost professional
Go to the profile of Debra Anazonwu
Debra Anazonwu
Memoir, science, and self-help writer. Get in touch for freelance & personal statement writing/editing: d.anazonwu@gmail.com.
Go to the profile of Rory Smith
Rory Smith
Traveller, Writer, Scuba Diver, Bartender, Student. Committed to improving 1% everyday. Never give up! Instagram-@roryjlsmith
Go to the profile of Evaluna Primavera
Evaluna Primavera
Expat in Barcelona ☀️ Editor of Türkiye Yayını ✍🏻 Wanna know Barcelona hacks, explore more travel & expat tips? Follow @evaluna.primavera on Instagram 🧳
Go to the profile of 3T Nomad
3T Nomad
"3T Nomad" is a unique blog that embodies the spirit of three landmarks: Taipei, Tokyo, and the Taj Mahal.
Go to the profile of Dim Nikov
Dim Nikov
I write about food and cooking. Follow me if you're hungry for good stories. 🍕
Go to the profile of S.K Bach
Go to the profile of Claudia Faith
Claudia Faith
Redefining success. Helping online creators build and write. Sold 3 startups, $1M+ raised. Free advice on making money online: wanderwealth.substack.com ✨🚀
Go to the profile of Vickey Maverick.
Vickey Maverick.
Ditch the Niche: Focused on providing insightful narratives on diverse topics like culture, health, history, slice of life, sports, travel, work, and on writing
Go to the profile of Timi
Step into a world where timeless traditions meet modern living. Welcome to Taste from the Past, where I share my passion for baking, and living with intention.