OWNing the NFTs !! — Part I

Vaibhav Bhalekar
One World Nation
6 min readApr 26, 2022


And there you go! we are finally talking about it! Of course, creating NFTs must be one of the top highlights of the past 6 months of grind. And finally they have arrived!

So this is the 3 part series of articles where we are going to talk about our NFTs — What was the thought process behind making them? What are the attributes? How do you decide rarity? etc., etc.

Meanwhile, if you haven’t heard much about One World Nation, then let me briefly set the context. At OWN (One World Nation), we are building a play-2-earn ecosystem where players can come and play NFT based games which are correlated to our real world crypto markets and earn many exciting rewards.

Well, TBH, the most interesting part of the project would be how are we building the ecosystem.

We are creating a “Crypto-verse” where all your favourite crypto coins will come to life as alien characters!

Imagine, Bitcoin character fighting with Ethereum one! Obviously, most of the games in this ecosystem will have some correlation with Crypto Markets. We envision our ecosystem to be entry point for Next Billion Users of Crypto. People can come to our platform, play FUN games, learn about crypto and earn without any FUD.

You can read more about it here.

Let’s get back to NFTs then…

So, how did we arrived at these cute creatures?

Crypto is generally a scary thing for most people. It is presented as something super technical and complicated. And with things like FUD and rug-pull, it certainly does not feel like a safe place to be at.

So, the problem statement was:

What can make Crypto less scary? How can we make users to understand crypto better? What would be an apt representation of the crypto ecosystem?

At initial stages of ideation, there were two solutions on our mind:


Imagine if BTC, SOL, ETH, etc. were each represented by a unique power crystal. Each crystal class with a unique material, colour and texture.

e.g. Bitcoin is often called the digital gold. Imagine an animated gold crystal for Bitcoin. Crystals are the minerals on any planet, and generally, the starting blocks of any civilization.

TBH this sounded to us nothing more than “visually exaggerated” version of Crypto coins. There are no emotions, there’s no life; more importantly, there is NO STORY that makes users deeply connect with the characters!

Personification of inanimate objects enchants us. It takes us on a ride to a fantasy world, a world of imagination and stories, a world which cannot be unseen or forgotten.

And Disney has given us several such fantasies — Toys and Cars speak to me and I always wonder if my carpet can fly me to the office.


Now, Imagine if BTC, SOL, ETH, etc. were each represented by a unique warrior — A Cryptonite. Each Cryptonite with a unique backstory of its clan.

Imagine ETH cryptonites being super lazy, and eating lot of food. ( Slow nature of Ethereum blockchain, High gas fees, etc.). Imagine SOL creatures being super fast and aggressive in nature. (Aptly representing Solana community! 😅)

These creatures live together in a world which is ruled by mystical forces, which makes them gain and drop powers. People start keeping these creatures as pets (like Pokemon) and use them in different games/battles/ activities.

Hence, users wouldn’t have to learn in depth about cryptocurrency contracts or to remember all the complex trading jargon. They can simply relate creature behaviours and back stories with crypto currencies and decide which coins to bet on.

And that’s how story started taking shape…

What’s the story then?

Far away in the future, when humans have finally exhausted all the resources on earth, they set out on a long journey to find their new home. And during this search mission, they land on this mystical planet of “Crypton”.

On the surface of Crypton lived variety of alien species with peculiar properties. As humans started ruling this new planet, they figured ways to domesticate these animals. The mystical properties of these creatures were used by humans to perform many different activities on the planet.

And that’s where all the games on the platform come into the picture…

We will be soon releasing detailed fun stories of each of these Cryptonites. Stay tuned!

Now moving towards the technical part of this story.

But how are you going to connect all of this with Crypto Markets?

As we are building a “Crypto-verse”; many things in this universe ought to be connected with crypto markets.

Many different games you will see on the platform will be connected to movements of Crypto markets. As the prices of cryptocurrencies in the market vary, abilities and power levels of Cryptonites will get affected. That will affect rewards and bonuses you will earn inside games.

Apart from this, we have smartly imitated lot of crypto world logics in our game economics. You can read more about one such concept here — “Proof Of Play” byAkhil Gupta.

So how many such Cryptonites will exist?

As previously mentioned in one of our articles, we will be launching total of 42 different crypto coins in our Cryptoverse. These clans will be progressively revealed and available for sale as NFT while we build product/games in the background.

We have recently launched 3 out of 4 Cryptonites from 1st phase of NFT launch. Do head to our social media channels to show some love to these characters!

What about rarity structure?

Just like in the real world, not everybody is created equal. There are some attributes one is born with and needs to live with. Apart from the clan, one is born in; another such attribute is the power level.

The Cryptonites can exist in 4 distinct power levels — Legendary, Epic, Rare and Common. And as the names suggest — Common ones are smaller and the least powerful, while the Legendary ones are the biggest with truly legendary powers.

And just like in the real world, the more powerful ones are always fewer in number. So, here is the rarity distribution of the Cryptonites as per the power levels:

Phew! that’s a one long article. So we will stop here 😅. Stay tuned for more details around Cryptonites!

Also, like what you see? Then you can also come join our community & contribute toward building web3 world of tomorrow! And not just for free, we are offering whopping $200,000 worth prizes to these contributors.

Read more about OWN Champion Program here.

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