OWNing the NFTs !! — Part II

Vaibhav Bhalekar
One World Nation
4 min readMay 12, 2022


So last couple of weeks have been crazy here at OWN! Everybody is all charged up for our upcoming NFT sale. I myself was busy with finishing off NFT artworks. And now that they are finished, I am super excited to share them with all of you!

NFT production pipeline — One World Nation
NFT Production Pipeline!

In our last article, we talked how we arrived at cryptonites — these cute looking creatures that represents different crypto currencies and tokens. We also talked about their numbers, their rarity structure, etc.

In this article, we go one step ahead and talk about NFT body structure and attributes. How we built them? What are the different possibilities of them? are any of these body parts rare? etc.

So let’s dive straight into it…

Body Structuring of NFTs

During our research on NFT based play-2-earn games, we realised that, in order to bring in excitement into the artworks of our “Crypto-NFTs” should be easily distinguishable from each other.

E.g. Cryptonites of Bitcoin should look different than Cryptonites of Ethereum. But at the same time, all of these characters will exist in the same universe and will interact and also breed with each other.

In order to resolve the complexity of breeding outcome process, we needed to ensure that these characters are “Similar” to each other yet “super-distinguishable”. And hence we divided bodies of these NFTs into two parts.

While the torso (body) of these character remains the same (except of the colour) across crypto currencies, head keeps on changing. This results into distinguished identifiable characters.

In a way, body relates to the power levels of these species while heads represent different crypto-clans.

ETH and BTC Cryptonites — One World Nation
ETH and BTC Cryptonites

Body Parts & Attributes

Every Cryptonite of OWN will have 7 different body parts that will vary in their versions to produce unique character each time:

  1. Eyes
  2. Horns
  3. Mouth
  4. Ears
  5. Body Pattern
  6. Wings
  7. Tail

In case of genesis NFTs, each of these body parts will have 6 versions. E.g. You will see a tail that’s devil like, or a tail that looks like of a fish. As the project moves ahead we will be launching more body part versions.

We are also going to collaborate with famous artists to bring their perspectives on these body parts. These parts will be exclusive to the community and limited in count.

Rare body parts

Not all body part versions are equal in power/rarity. On the planet of Crypton, few body part exist very limited in nature and also posses few mystical powers. These body parts only exist in Genesis NFTs and very unlikely to carry forward in the next generations via breeding.

So if you are lucky during your mint, you might end up getting a Cryptonite with one of these unique body parts. Obviously prices of these NFTs will soar as they have unique advantages in the upcoming games. Here are few examples of these body part versions:

So that’s it about body structures and attributes of Cryptonites. We will be releasing all the 6 different possible body part versions via our social media. Stay tuned for the reveal…

Army of Cryptonites — One World Nation
Army of Cryptonites

In our next NFT article we will be talking about gameplay related aspects of these NFTs. How will they level up? What all benefits different body parts have? How scoring of different games will affect NFT XP? How NFT XP will affect breeding, etc. etc.

Still have doubts about our NFTs? Come join us on our Discord where we conduct community hangouts everyday around 12:30pm UTC. You can also reach out to us directly in the discord chat.

We have designed a very structured program where community members can participate in the project progress. Not just that, we are offering whopping $200,000 worth prizes to these contributors. Know more about it here.

Thank you :)

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