Newsletter 16 — Biweekly updates📣📣

Sahir Parmar
Published in
2 min readMar 31, 2019

Hello OneLedger Community,

Through this newsletter, we would like to provide you with an update regarding the following departments: Development, and Marketing and Community.

1. In our last sprint, we focused on the Wallet, Chain Driver, Build Automation and some technical debt.
More details: click here

2. Meet Pavan Kappara, the Software Architect at OneLedger.
Full article: click here

3. Meet Harshad Patil, the Protocol Developer at OneLedger.
Full article: click here

1. The Blockchain Hub invited our Founder, David Cao, as a guest speaker during the Certified Blockchain Professional course held at the York University in Toronto, Canada.

2. Our Team will be hosting an AMA on April 8, 2019, on Telegram. Join us to interact with the core team and ask us any questions you may have.
Telegram channel: click here

3. OneLedger will be kickstarting the Toronto Blockchain Week by co-hosting a meetup with Polymath and Crypto Chicks.
Join us for an evening filled with lots of activities and an abundance of knowledge to take home.
The tickets are free. We hope to see you at UnMeetup.
To register, click here.

4. Last day for you to earn bonuses of up to 35% is March 31, 2019. Check out the OLT Incentive Lock-Up Program launched by GWEI Network for more details.
Instructions: click here

As always, we appreciate all the feedback and support from the OneLedger community.

If you would like to hear more about OneLedger, feel free to follow us on the following channels:



Sahir Parmar

Community Director at OneLedger. Passionate about the blockchain industry and on a mission to bring this technology towards mass adoption.