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We share the best places to work from, great events to attend and the tools we recommend for freelancing, self-employed and entrepreneurial individuals in . Articles in EN / FR.
Note from the editor

We share the best places to work from, great events to attend and the tools we recommend for freelancing, self-employed and entrepreneurial individuals in . Articles in EN / FR.

Go to the profile of Arman Anaturk
Arman Anaturk
Co-Founder at @1RAgency & @FoodHack.ch. I bring 🇨🇭 food & drink entrepreneurs together under one roof. Currently: Lausanne, Switzerland
Go to the profile of Camille Bossel
Camille Bossel
Globetrotter, Global Citizen & Traveling Painter. Co-Founder @1RAgency & @1REvents. www.oneroof.agency
Go to the profile of Arman Anaturk
Arman Anaturk
Co-Founder at @1RAgency & @FoodHack.ch. I bring 🇨🇭 food & drink entrepreneurs together under one roof. Currently: Lausanne, Switzerland
Go to the profile of Prisca Hoang-Van
Prisca Hoang-Van
Studying Management @UNIGEnews - Board Member @AssocFoxymore
Go to the profile of Mathilde Michel
Mathilde Michel
Enchaînant aventures et découvertes, comme travailler à @1RAgency et FoodHack.Ch. Entrepreneuriat, humanitaire, innovation, digital… et bien d’autres passions!