Creating Call Sheets in (Part 1 of 2)

Quick guide to create call sheets for your Film or TV production.

Matt Bogado


Creating a call sheet in OneTake is easy. We recommend to have breakdowns, cast and crew completed before you take on call sheets, as all these elements have a major role in setting up each call sheet.

Here are a few tips that will help you optimize the time spent on your callsheets creation process:

Global Elements

These are pieces of information that can be entered once in your first call sheet of the project, and OneTake will remember them automatically when you create your next call sheet, so you don’t have to enter this information again.

These elements are:

Company Information:

Located on the top left corner of the call sheet. Here’s where you can enter the name of the production company, the address and a phone number.

Key roles:

Located below company information. You can enter 3 people who are considered key in your production, and it’s usually used to direct cast and crew to specific people they can talk to if any issue comes up during the production.

Day of X:

Located on the top right of the call sheet. Once you set your days –say Day 1 of 25– OneTake will automatically enter Day 2 of 25 in your next call sheet.

Local Elements

Local elements refer to all other items or elements that only pertain to the call sheet you are working on. Here’s how you manage these local elements:

Title of the callsheet:

We recommend adding a name to your call sheet for easy reference. It will come in handy when you look at your call sheet list for delivery tracking.

General Call Time:

This is a centralized call time for all cast, crew, stand-ins and background actors, which means that changing this call time will automatically trickle down to all members in your project.

Pro tip: If you change the call time for a specific member –say your Lead Actors– and then you change the General Call Time, the call time for the Lead Actor will automatically change based on the original setting. For example: General Call Time is 7 AM and your Lead Actor needs to come in a 9 AM. You later change the General Call Time to 8 AM, the call time for the Lead Actor will be automatically pushed by an hour.


Important notices that you need to share with cast and crew. These notes will also be automatically included in the email that is sent out to your cast and crew with the call time information.

Breakfast & Lunch:

We follow union rules where Breakfast (1hr before call time) and Lunch (6hrs after call time) should be served. But you can change them to any time you need.


This information is automatically populated based on the date of your call sheet and the Set Location. Once you enter those two, we will fetch the weather forecast for that shoot day, and it will include Sunrise, Sunset and Day Length.


All location information is integrated with Google Maps, which will give you more precise coordinates of your Set, Parking and Hospital. Once you enter your Set Location you can preview it by clicking in “view map” link to view it in Google Maps.

Searching for a hospital is super easy. You just need to enter the name of the hospital and the address will be there for you to select.


All the work that you put in creating your breakdown pays off here. To Add a scene, just enter the scene number and hit enter. All the information related to the scene is automatically populated. But not only that, take a look at the Talent, Stand-Ins (if any), Background (if any) and notes! That are all populated with the relevant information of the scene that you just added. Nice!

You can add an event such as Company Move, Lunch or anything you’d like.

You can also move scenes around in your call sheet by dragging the entire row with the handle located to the left of the scene row.

Check out Part 2 of the call sheet creation and get started with your first call sheet!

