Call for sponsorship — help make OneTeamGov Global happen!

This blogpost is a call for sponsorship for our global unconference on 16 July in London

Kit Collingwood
3 min readMar 23, 2018


On 16th July this year the One Team Government community is holding a global unconference at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre in London.

We’re really excited about the event, which will bring together 700 passionate public sector reformers from all over the world to talk about and commit to new ways to improve public services and reform the way we work. If you want to sign up you can do so here, and if you want to find out more about what One Team Government is, you can check out our website or this blogpost.

We’re already half full in terms of attendees, and we’re delighted to say we’ve got 26 countries already participating.

Now comes the hard part. We are looking to raise up to £200,000 in sponsorship to make this happen. This will allow us not only to run the event in London itself (which we reckon will cost around half of that) but also to do some extra things to make this experience truly global like:

  • Use the best technology so that people from around the world can virtually take part in London
  • Provide support to satellite events around the world
  • Subsidise travel for people who might not be able otherwise to get there
  • Fund ongoing events for our bigger global community
  • Upgrade parts of the core event.

We will be completely open about what we’re spending the money on and why.

If you sponsor this event, you’re taking part in something truly unique: a groundswell movement of cross-global reformers who want to make the world a better place. You’ll be helping people connect, give each other inspiration and learn things which will spread right across the world.

We’re looking for sponsorship from right across the globe— from UK government bodies, both central and local; from overseas government bodies; from the voluntary sector, from academia, from innovation networks around the world, from private companies and start ups….you name it. Our only condition is that you genuinely want to contribute to our community — we’re not interested in people trying to sell things to us, only in people wanting to make things better.

We have three different levels of sponsorship: bronze, silver, and gold. Please fill in the form at the bottom of the page to make a pledge, and we’ll be in touch.

If you’re unable to sponsor us, there are other ways to support us. Please get in touch for more details —

Sponsorship rules:

All organisations and individuals are welcome to sponsor, provided you lead by example with our code of conduct and these ways of working that are important to us:


  • let our attendees pitch instead of having keynote speeches
  • prioritise ideas and discussion over boring sales pitches
  • encourage talking and engagement over slides
  • support inclusion over “non-competitor” agreements
  • value our attendees’ privacy so we don’t release their data

Sponsorship levels and what they get you:

Bronze — anything up to £4,999

  • Logo or name on t-shirt/website/slides on the day
  • Send us your pop up stand if you have one
  • Short paragraph included in some event emails
  • 1 attendee ticket

Silver — £5,000- £9,999

everything in bronze plus…

  • a stand in the sponsor’s marketplace (table and power provided)
  • named thanks at beginning or end of the day

Gold — £10,000-£19,999

everything in bronze and silver plus…

  • 2 attendee tickets
  • the opportunity to sponsor a specific component of the event

Media coverage

We have 5 tickets for people to cover the event. Are you a journalist, blogger, or other media savvy individual? Let us know!

What next?

Please contact us via the form below to start the ball rolling — we’re also happy to take quick pledges via Twitter DM or email ( and to get back to you with the form to fill in later if it’s easier.



Kit Collingwood

Leading digital, data, tech and customer service at Royal Borough of Greenwich. Thoughts on leadership, inclusion and better services. Compulsive optimist.