One Green Gov — make your mark!

Get your local area involved in One Green Gov on 22 January 2020 — help us bring people and communities together to discuss climate-related issues and potential solutions.

Kit Collingwood
2 min readDec 11, 2019


On 22 January the OneTeamGov community is bringing people together across the world to talk about climate-related issues. Our ambition for this global event is to get as many people as possible involved.

We’re looking for ambassadors to host events in their local area, to meet our three aims:

  • To allow people to learn about the climate crisis, environment and sustainability
  • To connect people interested in the climate together
  • To inspire action to help tackle the climate crisis

Sounds great — how do I get involved?

The theme: climate, environment and sustainability is extremely broad, giving you the flexibility to decide the format, scale and focus of your event.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Provide a space for people to come together and discuss climate change and sustainability during a coffee/lunch break
  • Encourage people to share their tips and ideas i.e. post-it notes on a board
  • Promote using sustainable transport options on the day i.e. run a ‘cycle/walk to work’ day
  • Host a bicycle repair workshop
  • Arrange school or community talks on the day
  • Co-ordinate volunteers to share their actions to tackle the climate emergency
  • Run a sustainability workshop/craft session i.e. an eco bricks making session

Tell us about your events, by completing this form.

If you can’t to run an event but still want to show your support:

  • Follow @OneTeamGov on Twitter and support our digital campaign (or generate your own —branding, logos and Twitter card templates can be provided.
  • Raise awareness of the initiative among colleagues and friends
  • Volunteer and support an existing event — this map shows what’s happening where.

Please contact us on with any questions. We can’t wait to hear from you!



Kit Collingwood

Leading digital, data, tech and customer service at Royal Borough of Greenwich. Thoughts on leadership, inclusion and better services. Compulsive optimist.