One Team Government Wellbeing Camp

This post is about the One Team Government Wellbeing Camp event taking place this June 2019. If you already know you want to join me and One Team Gov or share ideas, you can contribute here. Or carry on reading…

Nour Sidawi
3 min readFeb 1, 2019


Everyone wants to be heard; make people feel like you are really listening #OneTeamGovGlobal

We’re writing this post for potential attendees and supporters – we want your advice and ideas! What would you like to see? Contribute here .

One Team Gov is a public sector reform movement whose aim is to take practical action to improve public services and reform the way we work. We run events and meetups and create new communities wherever people want them. This blog post is from the team who coordinate the overall movement, but is for the benefit of anyone from any country who feels part of One Team Gov.

One Team Gov have five goals for the coming year. We’re working openly and positively towards these goals, and giving it our sustained effort over time. One of these is Diversity and Inclusion. We think there is always more to be done and aim to build on what’s been done before.

We think the Diversity and Inclusion is at the heart of our overall aim to improve the way we work, because everyone deserves to work in a more inclusive environment. We want people to be able to be themselves. Not only do we want to increase awareness and understanding about inclusion, mindfulness, neurodiversity and mental health, we want to help people manage their own wellbeing and that of their teams in an environment of constant societal and technological change. And we want to take our fourth principle literally.

That’s why we’re holding One Team Gov Wellbeing Camp in June 2019.

One Team Gov Wellbeing Camp was borne out of a conversation at the Westminster breakfast in October 2018. We want to create an open space for others to think, support each other and be part of an ecosystem outside traditional hierarchies. We are allowed to be human. So let’s talk about self-care and how to be good to ourselves, and each other. It may be a tiny step, but it’ll still take us there.

Like other events we’ve done, One Team Gov Wellbeing Camp will be open and democratic. It is for everyone, irrespective of grade, profession, sector, specialism or silo. The aim will be to share experiences, good practice, inspiration and innovation, with participants walking away with new knowledge to take back into their personal lives and workplace.

We will aim to bring people together to:

  • build or spread practical advice for people to make teams more diverse and inclusive
  • amplify the need for professional, socioeconomic and cognitive diversity
  • work together on practical solutions that people can take away
  • truly connect with people on a deeper level to build a support system and community

We’re really excited about One Team Gov Wellbeing Camp. Soon we’ll be announcing when and where the event will be – if you can host or know a suitable location, let us know.

We hope to see many of you there.


We can’t wait to hear from you.

The One Team Gov Team!



Nour Sidawi

Reflecting on the complexity of systems and making change in government @UKCivilService . Part of @OneTeamGov