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Hi, we are oneUp. We build technology startups for big corporates
Note from the editor

Hi, we are oneUp. We build technology startups for big corporates

Go to the profile of Floris Schoenmakers
Go to the profile of Carlien Cavens
Carlien Cavens
Former McKinsey consultant, now founder of 48HoursUnplug. On a mission to help leaders reconnect with themselves and find their true purpose
Go to the profile of Anastasia Khusid
Anastasia Khusid
Innovation management, customer development, growth hacking, and daydreaming 🐝🐝🐝
Go to the profile of Jef Cavens
Go to the profile of David Meijer
Go to the profile of Maria Khafizova
Maria Khafizova
Digital marketing @oneUp
Go to the profile of Johannes Bertens
Go to the profile of Freek
Go to the profile of Sunfeld