How To Not Get The Door Shut In Your Face Once Medium Is Gone

Let’s talk about the backup plan if you were to ever lose your Medium account.

Kristina God, MBA
Online Writing and Blogging Made Easy


How To Not Get The Door Shut In Your Face Once Medium Is Gone
made with Canva

Imagine this with me for a moment.

You wake up.

You reach over to grab your phone to see what your sleeping self missed, and tap on Medium to do some scrolling.

But the app… doesn’t load.

The app just blinks and goes away.

That’s weird” you think.

No worries — you’ll just head over to Twitter to ask your fellow Medium writers what’s going on, just as last week when all of your stories suddenly were de-curated.

On Twitter you get a DM:

“Haven’t you heard? Medium is gone!”

Are you kidding? No way!” you think.

Super confused, you end up making some coffee and eating some cookies.

In the kitchen, you’re starting to googling to see…



Kristina God, MBA
Online Writing and Blogging Made Easy

Award-winning marketing manager I Bestselling Substack author I Copywriter⚡Join my Online Writing Club: