Venezuela Blockchain — the First Ontology Global Community Contributor

The Ontology Team
Published in
3 min readApr 8, 2020

Early this February, to expand our global influences, build a better ecosystem, the Ontology GCC program is introduced to the community.

This April 7, we are pleased to announce our first Ontology GCC node: Venezuela Blockchain, an organization committed to leveraging emerging technologies as tools for socio-economic development in Latin America. The collaboration will see Venezuela Blockchain engage Ontology’s technology to underpin a number of initiatives designed to benefit the wider Latin American community.

Among the initial solutions proposed as part of the collaboration is a planned integration of the Ontology platform into Venezuela Blockchain’s Family Social Program charity to provide a basic income to Venezuelans. Ontology, alongside one of its partners, Microworkers, will also be empowering Latin Americans to find task-based work online and receive payment in crypto.

Erick Pinos, Ontology Americas Ecosystem Lead, said, “Venezuela’s vibrant blockchain community is fueling the country’s ascent as a dynamic hub of DLT activity, and we are excited to open the doors to crossover collaborations between members of both the Venezuelan and Ontology communities. Today’s announcement gives expression to our commitment to broadening our own community horizons, and delivering tailored DLT solutions that will empower citizens globally.”

Alberto Guerrero Montilla from Venezuela Blockchain said, “Our country’s continued growth depends on the development of projects designed to guarantee the business and social expansion of our community, coupled with sustained adoption of new technologies. The reputable and proven performance of the Ontology platform has the potential to be the engine that powers the creation of new systems, enabling our push towards decentralization, and paving the way for practical applications that will empower citizens and increase prosperity among our community.”

With a primary focus on delivering a fast, user-friendly platform with a unique infrastructure that supports robust cross-chain collaboration, Ontology provides businesses with the tools to design their own blockchain solutions securely. Powered by the Ontology Token (ONT), the distributed collaboration platform allows businesses to enjoy the benefits of smart contracts and tokenization while retaining control of their sensitive data.

“Our advanced, innovative, and high-performing public blockchain network is well equipped to broaden opportunities for innovation in Latin America. The spirit of collaboration and a strong appetite for technological exploration within Venezuela’s burgeoning blockchain community will be a source of tremendous inspiration as we continue on this steady arc of growth that has defined our journey thus far, ” concluded Pinos.

Venezuela Blockchain is an organization focused on Venezuela’s socio-economical shift through the implementation of expansion techniques tailored to fit the needs of a growing country. Their mission is to enable the adoption, development, and expansion of the blockchain universe through strategies that can be applied in their country through the direct promotion of available blockchain services.

Want to be our next GCC? Send your CV to, a short description of yourself and the reason why you apply will be welcome.

