🤓 First Time to Ooh La La? — An Overview of the Main Features!

Clara Ex Machina
Ooh La La (💃🏻,🕺🏻)
7 min readJun 30, 2022

On June 20th, Ooh La La finally went live. (Yay!) Before we start, we would like to first express our gratitude to our community members for their love and support. During the last 10 days since its launch, Ooh La La has reached 665 users from more than 10 countries, including the US, UK, Canada, Hong Kong, Netherlands, Australia, Germany, France, China, India, Poland, and South Korea! This is a small but significant achievement, and we believe that this wouldn’t have been possible without all of our community members.

With the feedback we received from our alpha product users, we improved UI/UX and revamped our brand identity. To learn more about it, please head to this article.

The core activities you can do on Ooh La La are as follows:

  1. Stream music NFTs and find their detailed info
  2. Create and share playlists
  3. Browse other’s music NFTs by searching his/her ens or wallet address
  4. Aggregate all your music NFTs scattered across various platforms
  5. Discover trending & new music NFTs

💃🏻 What is Ooh La La? 🕺🏻

Ooh La La is a borderless (and free!) music NFT player & aggregator, powered by SpiderVille. Its mission is to create a more sustainable & fun environment for artists and fans by providing a simple, easy-to-use interface for music NFTs. We hope that Ooh La La becomes a launch point for discovering and exploring music NFTs and accelerates their mass adoption.

So, how to enjoy the most out of Ooh La La? Here, you will find step-by-step tutorials walking you through the different features provided by Ooh La La.

👛 Setting Up Your Wallet

The registration process is a bit different in web3 platforms or Dapps; instead of creating a username and password, you will need to first have a crypto wallet (usually available as a chrome extension; we recommend you read and follow the instructions on this guide provided by Metamask if you don’t have one) and connect it to the platform.

However, we want to point out that it doesn’t mean everyone needs to create and connect a wallet to use Ooh La La. Unless you wish to use the personalized features such as Liked songs to be added to your feed and creating and saving your own handpicked playlists, or the blockchain features like browsing your own music NFTs across different chains, you don’t need to; streaming is available for everyone, for free. We believe that NFT and the crypto industry overall need some accessible on-ramps for new users. We want to invite them to this new world with a lower barrier, to help them learn what all this is about and dip their toes into this ever-evolving space.

So, if you are visiting Ooh La La just to view our data-based chart and listen to the songs and the curated playlists, feel free to use it anytime without connecting your wallet. 😉 But for those who want to explore every nook and cranny of Ooh La La, we will provide a step-by-step guide below. 🤟

Step 1. Go to Ooh La La App.

Step 2. Connect Your Wallet to Ooh La La.

Click on Connect Wallet button at the top right corner. Select your wallet from the list of supported wallets (we currently support Metamask and Wallet Connect), and sign in. If you have more than one account on Metamask, please select the one that you are going to connect to Ooh La La. (You can also connect multiple accounts if you want to use different accounts for different purposes.)

Step 3. Verify Your Wallet

Then a signature request message will pop up. Signing the message means that you grant Ooh La La access to your account, and you can think of it as a sort of ‘logging in’ procedure when using Dapps.

Boom! Now you are ready to enjoy the full services provided by Ooh La La. If you need help with this, please come visit our Discord. Our team and community members will gladly assist you: https://discord.gg/PhfPN6YBHF.

🎧 Playing Music

Simply click on Play buttons (▶️) to listen to the track/playlist of your choice! The buttons will appear when you hover your mouse cursor over each item.

You can also click on the context menu (the 3 dots (⋯)) that are below or next to the song/playlist title and click on Add to Queue button.

To use Shuffle, click on the 🔀 button on your Now Playing bar at the bottom. To switch it off, click the button again. Then songs will return to their original line-up.

💫 Creating and Sharing Playlists

To add a song to a playlist, select the context menu (⋯) next to the song/track title and select Add to playlist. Then it will ask you which playlist you’d like to add the track to. You can also create a new playlist with this track by entering the name of the playlist into the blank field and clicking on the check icon. The track will be added immediately.

If you want to add it to a previously-made playlist you can simply select one from your playlists and the song will be added to the playlist immediately. You can also view all of the playlists that you have created under the “My Playlists” tab. Click on your ens or wallet address that appears at the top right corner, and click on My Playlists.

To share your playlist, you can:

  • Copy the URL directly from the website address field and share it with your friends;
  • At Home, click on the context menu(⋯) and select Share, or;
  • On the playlist details page: Click on the Share button, and then on copy link or share on twitter

🔍 Search

Find what you’re looking for with the search bar, including:

  • Songs
  • Artists
  • Playlists
  • ENS/wallet address (to see what others own)

To search, simply click the search field and enter what you’re searching for, such as the song title. The search results will appear under the search field, then you can click on the items to visit the song/artist/playlist/user pages.

📀 Adding songs, artists, and playlists to your library

To have a complied library of songs, artists, and playlists you like, click on the Heart icon, then it will be added to your ‘Likes’ library. To view what you have liked so far, click on your ens or wallet address that is located at the top right corner, and click on Likes.

Song Details Page
Playlist Details Page. Pink Hearts Mean That You Have Liked the Tracks & Playlists!
Likes: Playlists
Likes: Tracks

🛍️ Browsing Your Assets

Once you connect your wallet, Ooh La La will be able to aggregate your music NFTs that are scattered over different platforms and blockchains and show them in a single interface. To browse your assets, click on your ENS or wallet address located at the top right corner, and click on ‘Music NFTs’.

🔥 Discovering Tracks & Artists!

Try listening to our curated playlists to explore the web3 music industry and discover new artists and tracks! In the early stage of Ooh La La, we will be generating and sorting out playlists to guide our less-experienced users. At Home, we will place playlists categorized into thematic groups, and introduce new artists and featured collectors to help you find a track/artist that matches your musical taste.

Here are some ways to find playlists created by others:

  • Search keywords
  • Ask your friends to share their playlists with you
  • View playlists on others’ profiles

You can also filter our database by platforms and sort by newest/oldest and most played in our Discover tab. (I personally recommend you explore the tracks from the oldest to try the most pioneering artists! 😉)

Wanna learn more about us and Ooh La La? Click on the Resources tab on the top menu bar, and visit our FAQ and About page! Should you need further information, please follow us on Twitter, read through our Medium articles, and join our Discord community. Feel free to reach out to us, we would be more than happy to assist you.

💫 Stay Tuned!


