Open Access Week 2018 round-up

A selection of webinars and interactive online events related to open research taking place throughout #OAWeek2018

Open Research Forum
Open Knowledge in HE
3 min readOct 19, 2018


The theme of Open Access Week 2018 is: Designing equitable foundations for open knowledge

Open Access Week is celebrated around the world every October, and provides an opportunity to learn more about the public value and research impact of sharing research and knowledge as openly and widely as possible. The University of Manchester Library is running a number of events and activities for you to get involved in right here on campus, including an Open Research Forum soon after Open Access week, but you may also be interested in watching or participating in webinars and events offered by organisations around the world. Here’s our round-up of the interesting online events taking place next week:


The webpages of OpenAIRE, a European project supporting Open Science, are well worth checking out, as they contain loads of useful material related to open research, such as the Best Practice in Open Research course. The following interactive online Q&A sessions are also being offered as part of Open Access Week:

  • Open Access and Open Research Data policies in Horizon 2020, with Emilie Hermans on Monday, October 22 at 3 PM CEST: Join via GoToMeeting
  • Research Data Management and Data Management Plans, with Sarah Jones on Tuesday October 23th at 3 PM CEST: Join via GoToMeeting
  • TDM and Machine Readability of Open Access research, with Nancy Pontika on Wednesday October 24th at 11 AM CEST: Join via GoToMeeting
  • FAIR data and trusted repositories, with Marjan Grootveld on Wednesday October 24th at 1 PM CEST: Join via GoToMeeting

PLoS and PREreview

Open Access publisher Public Library of Science (PLoS) and preprint ambassadors PREreview are hosting a series of online journal clubs to consider preprints in Neuroscience, Bioinformatics, Ecology during OA Week. Join the discussion to find out more about the important role of preprints in science and scholarship: Join via PREreview


The Digital Curation Centre (DCC) works to build capability and skills for research data management. Their Open Access Week plans include contributing to a number of OpenAIRE and FOSTER events, and offering the following presentations:

  • Open Access and Open Research Data policies in Horizon 2020, Monday 22 October at 2pm BST: Join via GoToMeeting
  • Basics in good RDM and What you need to know about DMPs, Tuesday 23rd October at 2pm BST: Join via GoToMeeting

Innovatively Open Microconference

Last but not least, we couldn’t resist highlighting Innovatively Open: an open research microconference, hosted in Nottingham through a collaboration between The Universities of Nottingham and Birmingham. Whilst it is not online and falls a little outside of Open Access week, it is free to attend, with talks showcasing the innovative thinking going on around open scholarship. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Rachael Ainsworth, an open science champion from the University of Manchester. Book your place now via Eventbrite.

Let us know your thoughts on the events or webinars you attend during Open Access Week by commenting below or contacting us to be set up as a writer on this blog. And if OA Week 2018 makes you want to find out more or get more involved in open research, remember to book your place at the next Open Research Forum taking place on Monday 5th November.

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Open Research Forum
Open Knowledge in HE

Forum for discussing Open Research and its implementation for researchers at the University of Manchester. Hosted by University of Manchester Library.