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Dev Update

OB1 — Trade Free
OB1 — Trade Free
How to make online trade free for everyone, everywhere. #TradeFree with our decentralized marketplace, OpenBazaar. Browse now at https://openbazaar.com
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Development Update: Spring Cleaning

The Milestone 1 developer release of OpenBazaar 2.0 is available and Milestone 2 will be released in early April!

Here is a recap of the capabilities of the Milestone 1 release:

Weekly Development Update: December 23, 2016


Released 1.1.10 update featuring ShapesShift’s Shifty Button allowing buyers to use Ethereum, Zcash or any of a variety of other cryptocurrencies in OpenBazaar stores and continued refinement of Milestone 1 work in…

OpenBazaar 1.1.7 released

OpenBazaar version 1.1.7 has been released. Installers can be downloaded here and the full release notes are available here.


Transactions that have updates to their status that need attention now have an indicator bar…