Go to Open Data Services
Open Data Services
We’re a worker owned co-operative that helps people to publish & use open data. We work on a broad range of projects to make open data useful, usable and in use.
Note from the editor

We’re a worker owned co-operative that helps people to publish & use open data. We work on a broad range of projects to make open data useful, usable and in use.

Go to the profile of Steven Flower
Steven Flower
I just get on with it | worktime: @opendatacoop | sparetime: @mcrcoderdojo @salfordladsclub | Tweets are mine. Retweets are not | I'm not a florist.
Go to the profile of Open Data Services
Open Data Services
We’re a worker owned co-operative that helps people to publish & use open data.
Go to the profile of Jack Lord
Jack Lord
Beneficial Ownership Lead at Open Data Services Co-op. All things open data but especially: corporate ownership, social investment and tax
Go to the profile of Rob Redpath
Go to the profile of Dave Spencer
Dave Spencer
It's almost peaceful. No need to believe in either side, or any side. There is no cause. There's only yourself. The belief is in your own precision.
Go to the profile of Duncan Dewhurst
Go to the profile of Tim Davies
Go to the profile of James Baster at ODSC
James Baster at ODSC
I work on Open Data at Open Data Services Co-operative, a remote workers co-op across the UK. I’m based in Scotland. http://opendataservices.coop/