Go to OpenGov Developers
OpenGov Developers
Discover tips, trends, and more directly from the OpenGov Engineering team and community.
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Discover tips, trends, and more directly from the OpenGov Engineering team and community.

Go to the profile of John Marini
Go to the profile of Michelangelo Bonfiglio
Michelangelo Bonfiglio
I feel comfortable using design jargon in everyday life. http://mbonfiglio.com/
Go to the profile of Inder Sabharwal
Go to the profile of Caleb Brewer
Caleb Brewer
I build things by breaking them.
Go to the profile of Andrew Clark
Andrew Clark
Engineer at OpenGov
Go to the profile of Hani Sharabash
Hani Sharabash
Full stack engineer @ OpenGov. I believe in maximizing good.
Go to the profile of Gurdas Nijor
Go to the profile of Tim Rodriguez
Go to the profile of Jerry Sievert
Jerry Sievert
Go to the profile of John Terry
John Terry
Software engineer interested in the cloud, telephony, and apps of all shapes and sizes.
Go to the profile of Steve Pepple
Steve Pepple
Co-founder of Vibemap. I write about data, cities, transit, and local government. https://vibemap.com/
Go to the profile of Jeremiah Hall
Jeremiah Hall
I build stuff with computers. I also cook and climb, simultaneously.
Go to the profile of Andrew Kowalczyk
Andrew Kowalczyk
tech, dancing, music, and productivity
Go to the profile of Gabor Melli
Gabor Melli
VP of Engineering, AI/ML @ Medable.com