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Apache OpenWhisk
Apache OpenWhisk
Apache OpenWhisk is a serverless cloud platform that executes code in response to events
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Accessing Long-Running Apache OpenWhisk Actions Results

Apache OpenWhisk actions are invoked by sending HTTP POST requests to the platform API. Invocation requests have two different modes: blocking and non-blocking.

Dynamically Documenting OpenWhisk Packages

Earlier this week I was doing some work with the Cloudant package under OpenWhisk when I noticed the docs didn’t include all the actions available. What I mean is, the docs currently mention the read and write actions, the changes trigger, and nothing…

Facebook Chatbots with OpenWhisk

This weekend I decided to take a quick look at running Facebook Chatbot, aka Facebook Messenger Platform, on the Apache OpenWhisk platform. In general, it worked just fine and 90% of the issues I had were me not reading the docs correctly and making code screw ups. But I…

Reading a Text File on OpenWhisk

Many months ago I wrote a quick post on Apache OpenWhisk, serverless, and persistence (Serverless and Persistence). In that article I mentioned that while your serverless actions are stateless and you should not rely on the file system, you do have access to it and can…

Building Your First Serverless Composition with IBM Cloud Functions

A few days ago I blogged about the new Composer functionality for IBM Cloud Functions built upon Apache OpenWhisk. This is a incredibly cool release and I’m going to try my best to demonstrate it over the next few…