ORB, Operations Research Bit
Operations Research Bit
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1 min readMar 3, 2024


Bitwise. Efficiency blooms

In the realm of efficiency and optimization, explore lead prioritization, lean manufacturing, multi-objective decision-making, and real-time payment advancements. These topics collectively shape a landscape of efficiency, innovation, and progress.

Editor’s Picks

Varun Tyagi’s Lead Prioritization enhance business outcomes, while Diogo Riberios’s Lean Manufacturing strategies streamline processes. Alper Ersin Balcı delves into multi-objective optimization, balancing complex goals. And as technology evolves, Bigly Sales advances real-time payments, revolutionizing financial transactions.

Prioritize leads, streamline processes for growth with Varun Tyagi’s step-by-step guide to Lead Prioritisation with customer predictive models.

Enhancing Efficiency through Lead Prioritisation by Varun Tyagi

Trim excess and maximize yield with Diogo Ribeiro’s strategies for Lean Manufacturing with Graph Theory.

Optimizing Lean Manufacturing by Diogo Ribeiro

Optimize green space, transportation, energy and economic development with Alper Ersin Balcı’s Multi-Objective models for Urban Development.

A Dive into Multi-Objective Optimization by Alper Ersin Balcı

Operational Excellence: Advancing Real-Time Payments by Bigly Sales

Sustainable Cities.

Travelling the world without destroying it by Scotty Bird

Can you be an ethical traveler and still enjoy your holiday, most of us love to travel, but how can we travel whilst respecting the planet?

Arachova: A Charming Mountain Escape from Athens by Shaun Melady

Nestled in the embrace of Mount Parnassus, Arachova offers a refreshing alternative to the typical tourist destinations of Santorini and Mykonos.

How to be disaster resilient by Yannis Skordas

A Japanese example to keep life on rails after earthquakes and tsunamis.




ORB, Operations Research Bit
Operations Research Bit

Business problems, solved. Even the edge cases. Editor of ORB, ORG and Sustainable Cities. Authors, expand your reach: https://bit.ly/write-for-orb