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The Opex Analytics Blog
The Opex Analytics Blog
Solving Complex Business Problems with Human and Artificial Intelligence
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Discovery vs. Production with Big Data

by Diego Klabjan

It has been noted that big data technologies are predominantly used for ETL and data discovery. The former has been around for decades and is well understood with a mature market. Data discovery is much newer…

Comment on “Is Big Data an Economic Big Dud?”

by Michael Watson

The New York Times recently wrote an article entitled “Is Big Data an Economic Big Dud?”. Here is part of the article questioning the value of big data:

Analytics for Small and Medium Sized Firms

by Michael Watson

A lot of press around analytics is focused on large and exciting projects. But, analytics can be applied to firms of any size.

Welcome to the Opex Blog

Welcome to the blog for Opex Analytics.

We’ll be using this blog to post general educational articles on analytics, big data, and related topics, especially as they pertain to businesses. One of our goals is to help you cut through the hype and keep up with…

What is Analytics? Part II: A Longer Definition with Three Main Categories

by Michael Watson

In yesterday’s post, we discussed a short definition of analytics (“the ability to collect, analyze, and act on data”).

Predictions That Save Big Money

by Sara Hoormann

Why is it that your car always seems to breakdown during your busiest week at work? Farmers fear the inevitable failure of their combine equipment during the peak of harvest season. Plant managers struggle with knowing…

Our Ongoing Analytics Project with the NFL: Winning More Games

by Michael Watson

The use of analytics in sports is quite well known. The Oakland A’s popularized analytics by using it to build winning teams with a minimal budget — we mentioned and…

WSJ Article on the Importance of Analytics to Your Career

by Michael Watson

Yesterday’s WSJ ran an article on the importance of analytics (“Get Familiar With Big Data Now — or Face ‘Permanent Pink Slip’” — may be behind a paywall).

Big Data Applied to the Supply Chain

by Michael Watson

This week, Dan Gilmore of Supply Chain Digest wrote about very big data in the supply chain. It was a well-balanced article, covering both the hype and some nice solutions. Here is one quote: