OPO.js meetup #5: Speaker Profiles 🗣

Marco Oliveira
Published in
2 min readNov 29, 2017


By now it should not come as a surprise that we’re hosting our Meetup #5 this Tursday, November 30th, and we’re presenting our speakers.

João Granado — Senior Software Engineer at Farfetch

João Granado has a really interesting career path. Having started as a civil engineer, his drive and passion for software engineering, design and human-computer interaction is astonishing.

A software engineer with a deep interest on all fields of design and human behaviour, João has been studying and thinking about interactive interfaces for over 10 years.

Now, João tries to solve performance and scalability challenges, while still dabbling with user and developer experiences.

Granado is an advocate of learning by doing, one of the reasons why he pushes himself to experiment on a broad range of fields, from computer science, to film making, photography, design, human psychology and behaviour, and how these interact with one another.

With such an all-rounded speaker, you can expect a talk with depth, which is nothing new for the Porto JavaScript Community.

We look forward to seeing what João will be sharing with the us next November 30th.

[UPDATE 2018.01.18] Have a look at the meetup wrap up to see what happened.

If you’ve read this far (you’re awesome 🤘), we have 4 tasks for you:

  1. Follow João Granado.
  2. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
  3. Give this article your claps. 👏
  4. Answer the questions below.

❤️️ JavaScript? 💙 Porto? 💛 Francesinha? Join the meetup #5 dinner:



Marco Oliveira

Chief Innovation Officer @UpholdInc (12M+ users, $2.4B AUM), 🔙 CEO at https://moxy.studio, Host & Founder @OPOnetwork , Entrepreneur.