OPO.js meetup #8: Speaker Profiles 🗣

Marco Oliveira
Published in
2 min readNov 27, 2018


Meetup #8 is right around the corner, it’s time you get to know our speakers.

Alex Potsides — Core JavaScript Developer at Protocol Labs

Alex is a JavaScript developer working on the IPFS project, which aims to make the distributed permanent web a reality.

Having worked at startups, enterprises and everything in between, Alex has had the chance to build banking apps on mobile and web, academic research tools, video messaging platforms and lots more, so you know that he’s seen the pains developers go through.

As an avid open source contributor, Alex believes software can make the world a better place. Throughout his love affair with the community, he’s helped organise the Nodebots of London and dimsum.js meetups, as well as the London Node Usergroup (LNUG).

When he’s not programming, Alex enjoys cycling, brewing beer and eating oysters.

With such an all-rounded experience, the possibilities of what Alex might be talking about are vast, so we’ll be on the edge of our seats waiting to see what he has to share with the community next December the 7th.

[UPDATE 2018.12.28] Have a look at the meetup wrap up to see what happened.

If you’ve read this far (you’re awesome 🤘), we have 4 tasks for you:

  1. Follow Alex.
  2. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
  3. Give this article your claps. 👏
  4. Answer the questions below.

❤️️ JavaScript? 💙 Porto? 💛 Pizza? Join the meetup #8 pizza party:



Marco Oliveira

Chief Innovation Officer @UpholdInc (12M+ users, $2.4B AUM), 🔙 CEO at https://moxy.studio, Host & Founder @OPOnetwork , Entrepreneur.