OPO.js meetup #8: Speaker Profiles 🗣

Marco Oliveira
Published in
2 min readNov 27, 2018


Meetup #8 is right around the corner, it’s time you get to know our speakers.

André Cruz — CTO at MOXY

André Cruz is a familiar face at OPO.js, having presented us with a couple of talks, and many sizeable contributions to the JavaScript ecosystem like NPMS, Bower, and many, many modules that thousands of developers install millions of times every month.

André started out early developing for the web and, even before finishing his academic education in Computers and Telematics Engineering, he was already developing complex websites for international clients.

With a deep understanding of several areas of expertise, including networking, distributed systems, software engineering and mobile applications, his skillset and capabilities have earned him the chance to lead teams in multiple companies.

Throughout his career, André has been a heavy contributor to the open source community, leading the core team of Bower, co-founding Indigo United, and launching NPMS, which was adopted by NPM as the official search engine.

Currently Chief Technical Officer at MOXY, André puts to practice his experience to shape his team and maximise their capabilities, while often talking about the development of DApps on the permanent web using IPFS.

We look forward to seeing what André will be sharing with the community next December the 7th. 💪

[UPDATE 2018.12.28] Have a look at the meetup wrap up to see what happened.

If you’ve read this far (you’re awesome 🤘), we have 4 tasks for you:

  1. Follow André.
  2. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
  3. Give this article your claps. 👏
  4. Answer the questions below.

❤️️ JavaScript? 💙 Porto? 💛 Pizza? Join the meetup #8 pizza party:



Marco Oliveira

Chief Innovation Officer @UpholdInc (12M+ users, $2.4B AUM), 🔙 CEO at https://moxy.studio, Host & Founder @OPOnetwork , Entrepreneur.