Coherence Update and Survey

Randy Stafford
Oracle Coherence
Published in
2 min readMar 23, 2022

It’s been a bit of time since our burst of release announcements in January:

So a product update is in order, as we’ve passed the vernal equinox heading towards the June solstice. Plus we’d like to request your response to a survey we’ve launched; your input is very valuable to us in Coherence Product Development.

In terms of a product update, as hinted in our January year-in-review story, we’re planning a new commercial Coherence release containing all the cool functionality introduced in Coherence Community Edition ever since it was launched in June 2020, three months after the commercial 14.1.1 release of Coherence became generally available.

A new commercial Coherence release coinciding with the Community Edition 22.06 release will take the form of a “feature pack” patch for Oracle Coherence 14.1.1. This patch will contain features introduced in Community Edition releases 20.06, 20.12, 21.06, 21.12, and 22.06. It will be applied to commercial Coherence 14.1.1 installations, allowing users to leverage commercial features in Enterprise Edition and Grid Edition simultaneously with new features from Community Edition, all in the same Coherence installation. It will also allow commercial edition users with current Oracle Support contracts to continue receiving Oracle Support for the features in the patch.

Correspondingly, Coherence Community Edition 22.06 will be a Long-Term Support release. To date, all releases of Community Edition have been non-LTS, with patching of each release ending when the next Community Edition release is made. Watch this space in June for links to documentation of the lifetime support policies and dates for LTS releases of Coherence Community Edition. Wrapping up the product update, the Coherence development team has been busy since January preparing for this upcoming 14.1.1 feature pack patch, and working on new functionality for the 22.06 release and beyond.

Regarding the survey, we’re interested in how Coherence users deploy their applications:

  • On-premise, or in a cloud (and which one)?
  • Bare metal, virtual machines, or containers?
  • Kubernetes or not? Any particular Kubernetes service?
  • Managed cloud service subscriptions for data management technologies?
  • Purchasing preferences, and free-form comments related to all the above.

Input on these topics, especially from current Coherence users, is very valuable to the Coherence product development team. We would be very grateful if you would take a few minutes and give us a survey response. You may choose to identify yourself, or remain anonymous. Your input will factor into product planning decisions. The link to the survey is here.

Thank you and have a great spring!

