Community Edition 22.09 Is Here! Compatible with Jakarta EE 9.1

Randy Stafford
Oracle Coherence
Published in
1 min readOct 1, 2022

Coherence Product Development is pleased to announce the release of Coherence Community Edition 22.09. Elements of the release are:

The big news in CE 22.09 is compatibility with Jakarta EE 9.1. Those components of Coherence that had dependencies on Java EE types are now modified to import equivalent types from jakarta.* packages instead of javax.* packages. The documentation for CE 22.09 contains a detailed mapping of these changes, including Maven coordinates for the new Jakarta dependencies.

Consequently CE 22.09 is compatible with the recently-released Helidon 3.0, which also supports Jakarta EE 9.1. The combination of Coherence CE 22.09 and Helidon 3.0 forms a powerful platform for future-looking stateful microservice architectures in a cloud-native context.

In addition to the Jakarta EE migration, we’ve updated several other dependencies in CE 22.09: Eclipse MP, Jackson, JAXB, Jersey, and Weld.

CE 22.09 requires Java 17. It is a non-LTS release, whose codeline forms the basis for future Coherence evolution. It will be supported until the release of Coherence Community Edition 23.03 in March of 2023.

So please, take up CE 22.09, and let’s move onward together!

