Hitting the Ground Running with a New Roadmap: Orbs November Update

The Orbs Blog
Published in
6 min readNov 6, 2018
Banner by Rachel Skiba (The Banpo Bridge, Seoul, South Korea (L); Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California (R))


Over the last few months, tremendous efforts have been placed in finalizing our roadmap and moving towards production readiness. We can now confidently state that Orbs will reach full production capabilities no later than April of 2019.

It’s important to note that we see this as a continuous, not a binary, event. Since we are building an IaaS for developers, our priorities are directly driven by the needs of and feedback from our clients and design partners. This is why we will run in test environments from December to ensure that Orbs runs as smoothly as possible.

What does this mean for the time until then?

To help shed some light on what we’ll be working on in the interim and the strategy behind this process, we can break down the next 5–6 months as follows:

November/December: Testing

Without giving too much away from a coming product launch, the end of 2018 will enable developers and partners to begin expanding the way they train and test on Orbs. This period will be crucial to helping support ultimate development on our platform by widening access. Simultaneously, the final components are being added to the product to make sure it has all the essentials for us to feel confident about declaring it production-ready.

January — March: Partner and Optimize

During this period, the focus from the technology side will be on optimizing the platform, and making sure we are as production-ready as possible. Testing and tweaking will be the name of the game during these few months, but it will also include a heavy component of working with designers and developers. Once they have had a chance to more heavily utilize testing tools, they will be able to engage the Orbs team to bring up feedback and improve their internal processes so that they can take full advantage of the production environment launch. This period is absolutely crucial and speaks to our focus on supporting the amazing teams that are seeking to build on Orbs.

If you’re interested in building on Orbs, this is a great time to reach out.

April: Production Readiness

Obviously, a launch is a not a binary process. It is the beginning of a long period of ongoing innovations, improvements, engagements and learnings. However, it is also a huge moment when we get to see the project debut to the world.

We’re unbelievably excited.

What does this mean for the token release?

Not much. Our plan regarding the token has not changed, and the exact date still hinges on a few business and technology considerations. There are a few considerations to balance, but the ultimate goal is to align our processes so that the launch of the project is as effective as possible. We can’t give away much more at this time, but the roadmap should give a strong indication of timing.

On to the rest of the updates:

Influence around the World

Orbs continued expanding its relationships around the world in October, laying the groundwork for a more sophisticated market in the next few months. Demand for blockchain is expected to grow, but we are moving beyond just talk and proofs-of-concept.

San Francisco Blockchain Week

Co-Founder Uriel Peled and Orbs Chief Architect Oded Noam were at San Francisco Blockchain Week where they gave two keynote addresses and led a technical panel. Oded spoke about blockchain virtualization, while Uriel tackled “PoS vs. DPoS” on a panel with Aparna Krishnan of Mechanism Labs, Luke Powell of Decred, and David Moss of TrueBlock.

Oded Noam speaks at San Francisco Blockchain Week
Uriel Peled on stage at San Francisco Blockchain Week

Orbs also sponsored a Happy Hour get-together on the sidelines of the conference.

We had the chance to meet with several project leaders, CTOs, and VCs looking to learn more about the industry’s real needs.

Korea Meetups

On October 12, Orbs attended the Seoul meetup hosted by Bitgosu, Orbs’ marketing partner in South Korea and one of the leading organizations for blockchain promotion in the region. Over 600 people came out to hear Co-Founder Daniel Peled speak, with several hundred people stopping by the Orbs booth to learn more about our infrastructure.

Uriel Peled speaks to attendees at the Orbs Meetup in Seoul, October 30, 2018

The second meetup took place on October 30, also in Seoul, but this time organized entirely by Orbs. It was our second fully Orbs-centered meetup in Korea, and it showed the growth of the community at large. Co-Founder Uriel Peled and spoke to the crowd, which included dozens of new attendees.

Uriel Peled speaks to attendees at the Orbs Meetup in Seoul, October 30, 2018

B Dash Camp

Daniel spoke on a panel at B Dash Camp. 700 people. Mostly investors and entrepreneurs. The purpose of the two-day conference to gather all the major players together in one place. There was a special focus on blockchain with a special blockchain night and panel where Daniel sat with Benjamin Rameau of Binance Labs, Henry Lee of ICON, and Ken Kitahara of B Cryptos.

Daniel Peled at B Dash Camp (Image by Mayo Hotta)

Devcon4 — Distributed Key Generation

Orbs attended Devcon4, the major Ethereum conference for Europe in Prague between October 30 and November 2. David Yakira, Ido Grayevsky, Avi Asayag and Ido Zilberberg presented the innovative implementation of distributed key generation (DKG) over Ethereum.

Orbs’ David Yakira, Esti Edelstein, and Gad Cohen attend Devcon4 in Prague, October 30, 2018

“Efficient and cryptoeconomically driven DKG with a smart contract” explained the basics, starting with DKG’s necessity in threshold cryptosystems. The Orbs smart contract is perfect example for a useful dApp. Orbs utilizes Ethereum as a decentralized trusted escrow. The entire process, which includes moderating complaints of malicious activities through precompiled smart contracts, uses a negligible amount of gas.

David Yakira presents “Efficient and Cryptoeconomically Driven DKG with a Smart Contract” at Devcon4 in Prague, November 1, 2018

MIT Blockchain Systems Consortium Launch in partnership with Endor

We were in Boston, fresh off the city’s World Series win, to meetup with one of our strongest allies. Orbs partner Endor, co-founded by MIT’s Alex Pentland and Yaniv Altshuler, launched the Blockchain Systems Consortium in Boston on October 30. A gift from Orbs and Endor helped fund the organization, first announced back at Consensus 2018 in May.

Head of Partnerships, Danny Brown (R) with Endor Co-Founders Prof. Alex Pentland (M) and Yaniv Altshuler (L)
Head of Partnerships, Danny Brown Wolfe, speaks at the launch of the MIT Blockchain Systems Consortium in Boston on October 30, 2018


Danny Brown Wolf started the month at CryptoSprings in Palm Springs, California. The intimate conference cutting though the ‘when lambo’ hype , was a diverse gathering of opinions reflecting on the different directions the industry has gone and might take going forward. “The high level of the conference was not only reflected in the blockchain superstar speaker line-up, but all throughout the topics discussed on and off stage. This was the real thought leadership of the space, focusing on governance, potential conflict of interests and how to mitigate them, and industry perspectives on investors and builders.”

