Announcing Priority Boarding: 24h Guaranteed Presale Contribution

For early supporters who committed to the presale, we created a 24h window in which they can participate in the presale. The purpose of this post is to explain the selection criteria how 5% of OriginTrail committed supporters got eligible for the priority boarding in the presale.

Published in
3 min readJan 14, 2018


Objective selection criteria: Timestamp based on pegged ETH

Before OriginTrail was a community of 5000+ people, it was a small group of people who believed that OriginTrail has a potential to transform the supply chain industry. They supported us since our early days, helped us spread the good word about the project and been a wonderful help to us in the process of managing the community. Since then OriginTrail has grown exponentially to the point that our whitelisted commitments exceed the token sale hard cap $22.5 mm for more than five times.

Today we invited 373 contributors to participate in 24h of presale that is exclusively opened to supporters eligible for priority boarding. The sum of their contributions equals total hard cap, but due to significant rise in the ETH price and the fact that unexpected things can happen in life, we are confident that there will still be fair amount of Trace available to all supporters that passed KYC once the tokensale resumes on 17th of January 2018 at 15:00 UTC.

You can see the distribution of their contribution sizes in the graph above. As mentioned in our previous communications, we are not allowing any single contributor to obtain more than 1% of the total Trace supply. The only criteria for entering this phase was how early contributors got whitelisted.

Token sale opens on the 17th of January at 2018

After the contributor group with priority boarding finishes their contributions, we will be pausing the tokensale to add the remaining 95% of wallet addresses that successfully passed the KYC to the whitelist. When the tokensale re-opens on 3pm UTC on Wednesday, Jan 17th, the leftover presale tokens will be available to anyone making contributions above 5 ETH. You are also able to make contributions up to the maximum amount of 1% of total supply, meaning that your commitments stated in dashboard are no longer important. After presale tokens are sold out, crowdsale will continue with minimum contributions 0,5 ETH. The crowdsale will close as soon as the total hard cap (22.5 mm) is met or on the 12th of February the latest.

Closing thoughts and further information

If anyone gives you other information in private channels or messages (even on behalf of the OriginTrail team) do not trust them- it is phishing, they want to steal your ETH. The only discount available is 20% discount in presale, and we do not make any other deals with any other group. Take care of your safety. Do not trust any information, which is not visible on your dashboard.

Here are important resources:

Please subscribe to our announcement channel on Telegram where we will post all the relevant updates. Thank you so much for being on this amazing journey with us. Let’s make OriginTrail token sale enjoyable, safe and successful for all of us.

Trace on,

OriginTrail Team

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OriginTrail is the Decentralized Knowledge Graph that organizes AI-grade knowledge assets, making them discoverable & verifiable for sustainable global economy.