OriginTrail Open Call: See Project Demos and Start Selecting Your 3 Winners

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3 min readDec 20, 2018

At the end of November, we proudly introduced 39 projects previously screened by the external committee that will be voted on by the OriginTrail community, 10 of which will become winners of the open call. Since then, the teams have been working hard to prepare good demo videos and presentations to increase their chances to get in the top 10. We have been helping them with advice and examples. The teams now have their project pages up on the open call website. Let’s discover what comes next.

Start Exploring Project Pages and Pick Your Top 3

You can now learn more about each project: pages with their presentations are available here. Process-wise, it is good to highlight that all teams had an equal opportunity to decide on video and presentation materials that will be presented to the community. Some decided to produce new materials, others decided that the existing materials will do the job. Four teams were disqualified from the competition since they did could not commit to making deadlines.

Each registered voter will have a chance to assign points to three projects. Since there are a lot of good projects engaged in the open call, we wanted to give you the opportunity to support more teams. These are the rewards for the winning projects:

Register to be Eligible to Vote

Voting will be open to the community of TRAC token holders. It will be executed through a smart contract. In order to enable all community members to participate in the voting, we are introducing an Apply to Vote mechanism, which will ask you for an email address and your wallet address. Each wallet requires a set amount of 1000 TRAC tokens to be eligible to vote. It is important to notice that the smart contract verification will be done in a way that the query checks if there are 1000 TRAC tokens in the wallet when you are applying to vote and as well when you actually place the vote. Such verification is in place to limit malicious voting behavior and support transparency.

You can get registered to vote in the Open Call here.

More details on the voting process will be unveiled in the following weeks.

Voting will Happen on January 21–30, 2019

At OriginTrail, we are really proud of the wide range and ambition of the projects that made it to this point in the open call. We would like to enable them the full opportunity to present themselves and also create more interaction points with the community, so you can get to know the projects better.

Since the holidays are coming up, we decided to postpone the voting until January. This is the new timeline with a modified voting timeline:

In the meantime, we are planning the following measures to make sure this serves the ecosystem well:

  • Q&As with the projects: community members can submit questions to the projects and receive answers;
  • Projects will be invited to join Telegram & Reddit discussions;
  • Projects will promote the open call using the hashtags #OriginTrail #OpenCall #SupplyChain to raise the awareness for the project.

We invite our community to view the project pages and submit questions that will be answered in the Q&A sessions with teams.

We wish you a lot of intellectual satisfaction and excitement as you discover the project demos and presentations at the official OriginTrail Open Call project pages. The Open Call benefits the ecosystem as a whole and we kindly welcome your active participation.

Trace on!

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OriginTrail is the Decentralized Knowledge Graph that organizes AI-grade knowledge assets, making them discoverable & verifiable for sustainable global economy.