OriginTrail Token Sale Anniversary: A Look Back on a Year of Developing Our Network

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3 min readJan 17, 2019

Exactly one year ago, our vision of bringing interoperability and information integrity to international value chains became a reality. OriginTrail has been in business since 2013, signed deals with important regional clients (zero churn), won the Walmart Food Safety Collaboration Center’s award, and achieved several other wins. However, 2018 will always be an important year for us. This is because, exactly a year ago, the OriginTrail team successfully completed a token generation event and began exciting technology and business adoption developments for the OriginTrail Decentralized Network. Since then, we have successfully launched the OriginTrail Vostok Mainnet, and established meaningful partnerships with technology giants like Oracle, GS1, EVRYTHNG, and Wageningen University, to name just a few. To reflect on the greatest achievements of the past year, we asked the founders to prepare a message for our community.

OriginTrail’s founders’ message to the community on the anniversary:

When we completed the crowdsale, Tomaž Levak, co-founder and CEO of OriginTrail said the following: “We are honored to have experienced such a positive reception to our technology through our journey. Building a product that inspires the confidence of so many supporters has been humbling and eye-opening. With this support, we can now begin executing the entirety of our roadmap over the next three years and ensure that the OriginTrail Decentralized Network makes its way towards becoming the open-source standard for building transparency in supply chains.”

OriginTrail’s founders: Branimir Rakić, Žiga Drev, Tomaž Levak

These wise words of guidance became our reality in our first year of building the OriginTrail Decentralized Network. Let’s hear what Tomaž and Žiga Drev, another OriginTrail founder, have to say now:

🗺 Check out the Updated Roadmap: We Added More Wins

The OriginTrail roadmap has generated a lot of positive attention and engagement from the community. The roadmap for OriginTrail’s growth envisions the development of a decentralized network and a plug-and-play solution — suitable for all product supply chains — based on a mission to bring interoperability and information integrity to the fragmented supply chain world. We have consistently hit all the major milestones and published detailed explanations, except in a few cases when that was not possible due to changes in the business environment and the need to adapt to the primary market (the companies that are using our technology). However, we did so much more than was illustrated on the initial roadmap. Therefore, we recently added some big wins that were not part of the initial roadmap.

The next roadmap revision will reveal more strategic guidelines for 2019 and 2020. The ultimate goal of launching the mainnet within the first year after issuing the TRAC token was achieved in 2018. Now, we are moving forward to an exciting new vision of business adoption and perfecting the accessibility of this technology to the broader ecosystem.

Explore the updated roadmap

A big warm thanks to all supporters, partners, friends of the project, our team, and advisors. We have had an amazing year, full of important milestones and amazing opportunities. With the OriginTrail Decentralized Network up and running, we are excited to bring the technology to more users and continue developing with a strong emphasis on usability and accessibility.

Trace on!

OriginTrail Team

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OriginTrail is the Decentralized Knowledge Graph that organizes AI-grade knowledge assets, making them discoverable & verifiable for sustainable global economy.