Updates on the Flipside — October/November

Flipside Flan
Osmosis Community Updates
5 min readNov 22, 2022


Breakdown of the insights and updates Flipside has shipped in the last month.

TL;DR — We’ve Been Building.

About a month ago, Flipside announced a few exciting developments around our relationship with the Osmosis Support Lab and the greater Osmosis community.

While we sees ourselves as a key data provider in the space, we acknowledge that our data is useless without arming the community with the ability to access it. Our primary goal is to provide Osmosis’ most passionate supporters, and most passionate skeptics, with a central source of truth when it comes to ecosystem data. LP activity, user growth and governance activity are all key data points and brushstrokes that can be used to paint a picture of Osmosis and its place in the Cosmos and in the broader crypto ecosystem at-large.

To this end, what has Flipside been up to in the past month? I’m here to tell you.

Flipside Data Forum:

Our last post unveiled the Flipside Data Forum, a place for the Osmosis community to ask questions and get answers. Since then, we have had five bounties — deep, insightful questions on current events and crucial developments — flow through this process, and the results have been quite powerful.

Governance Data:

Some of the most active engagooooors with Flipside data have been the members of the Osmosis Support Lab team. The team at the OSL wanted to analyze the impact of increasing the validator set on ecosystem decentralization. We turned this request over to the Flipside community and they delivered, giving Robo the insights he needed to go full threadooooor:

I think most people can agree that the Osmosis Support Lab team members are some of the most dedicated people to the growth and success of Osmosis. Flipside is proud to be able to arm them with the data they need.

To round out governance on the data side, we are currently sifting through the results of our last bounty, analyzing Prop 362! Want to learn more? Hit the forum!

Wallets, LPs & Ecosystem Growth:

Both members of the community and the Osmosis core team were interested in tracking ecosystem growth over the last few months. We surfaced this information across two bounties analyzing wallet growth and LP behavior, respectively.

First, we see that the ratio of liquid to staked OSMO has remained relatively constant overtime; however, we see a big unbonding of LP at the start of October:

Wallet Balances & Ecosystem Growth

We also see that average OSMO balance per wallet has been relatively stable since the summer, while new wallets have steadily increased:

Wallet Balances & Ecosystem Growth

As for liquidity in the system, the OSMO/USDC pool has slowly but steadily increased in importance to the ecosystem, while the ATOM/OSMO pool has taken a hit, perhaps unsurprisingly:

LP Behavior & Wallet Composition
LP Behavior & Wallet Composition

Moving forward, we will continue surfacing key ecosystem health metrics and engaging with OSL, the Osmosis core team, and other valuable data partners, like Hathor Nodes, to provide the community with best in class data.


On top of the data Flipside provides to the Osmosis ecosystem, we also have a team of star-studded governance contributors who actively participate in the forum and voting. Below you can find a list of all the proposals we have voted on since the beginning of October:

You’re probably thinking to yourself, ‘Damn that’s a long list!’ Well, you would be right. That’s because Flipside has 100% participation on Osmosis proposals since *checks watch* August. Our team has dedicated resources covering Osmosis and IBC as whole, and they pride themselves on being some of the most knowledgeable people in the space (s/o Ian and Jess).

Data Engineering

Last but not least, let’s talk data. Our data is great, but we will be the first ones to admit it can always be better. Luckily our team has been hard at work under the hood making sure our finished product is the best it can be.

Over the last month we have overhauled our swaps model to ensure that multi-swap transactions are included, and have increased the speed at which transactions hit our front-end tool, Velocity. So, not only is the data you are accessing better, it’s faster. We know, pretty neat.

Looking ahead to December and the start of the year, we will be standardizing all of our IBC data, which will create a frictionless user experience for our data analyst community.

Wrapping it up

So, that’s what we have been up to. Think we could be doing more, or want to see something else? Let us know!

It’s getting colder and darker everyday, so we have nothing better to do then to keep shipping great data and community-focused programming.

Cheers, happy thanksgiving. Let’s go eat.

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