Kicking off OST KIT⍺ Phase II: Developer Proofs of Concept Challenge

Published in
6 min readApr 16, 2018


A huge THANK YOU to everyone who applied for OST KIT⍺ Phase II and to all of you who helped us spread the word. We received over 250 applications from all over the world!

OST KIT⍺ Phase II is an opportunity for developers to build a Proof Of Concept (POC) coded integration between their website/app/platform and the OST KIT blockchain toolkit. Development teams applied by submitting a description of their proposed POC project and their team’s capabilities to us by 6 April, 2018. The OST team then selected projects that we felt captured the spirit of the program and who demonstrated a good likelihood of completing the task.

Developer teams providing a successful POC submission will receive a reward of 50,000 OST.

All applicants have been informed about the status of their application, and we’re proud to announce that we’ve accepted 142 projects (vs our original intent to only accept 100 projects). The accepted applicants include projects around existing websites and apps as well as entirely new platforms. No two projects are the same, and we can’t wait to see what the OST community will come up with.

Below you’ll find the program rules plus more information on the Grand Reward and the four additional reward categories. Everyone at OST is rooting for you: Good luck!


Please note. You must abide by all of the rules and requirements below in order to qualify for the developer rewards.

1. Your POC must demonstrate a successful integration
You are provided with a developer sandbox version of OST KIT⍺ for you to create a Proof Of Concept [POC] demo. Your POC must demonstrate a successful integration between a website/app/platform and OST KIT⍺ using the OST KIT APIs and SDKs. Details about the OST KIT Developer Resources can be found at

2. Your POC must include actions triggering transactions in OST KIT
You must trigger the events from your website/app/platform connecting via the API to OST KIT to register the transactions on the OST side blockchains. It is not enough to just run transactions via the API with a script: You must simulate at least 1,000 substantive transactions from your website/app/platform, registering the transactions on OST VIEW, the OST block explorer. You must have written original code.

3. OST must be able to view your POC and you consent to OST presenting it as a case study, at OST’s sole discretion.

4. You must submit a halfway status update video
You must create and submit a video update in which you introduce your team, the current status of your POC and the next steps necessary to complete the project. You will submit your video via this form, and it should be publicly viewable on YouTube.

Max. duration: 2:00 minutes. Deadline: Tuesday 1 May 2018, 1pm UTC.
Submit a link to your video update here:

5. You must submit a video showcasing your POC (see 6.)
You must create and submit a final video featuring the following:

  • A quick intro of all the people who work on the project
  • An overview of your Proof Of Concept goals
  • A live demo of the user interface to your project
  • A live log of the backend server relevant for the token transactions
  • Transactional interactions on OST VIEW

💡 Watch this video for an example of how to present a POC:

Max. duration: 5:00 minutes. Deadline: Friday 25 May 2018, 1pm UTC.
Submit a link to your video in the POC submission form (see 6.)

6. Submitting your final POC
When you are completely done and ready to submit your POC for final review, you must submit your project for final consideration via this form:

Please ensure you answer every question carefully: A submitted project is considered final and can not be revised!

7. Deadline
Deadline for submitting your project is Friday 25 May 2018, 1pm UTC

Good to know

  • Create your OST KIT⍺ account to get started: — Make sure to use the email address you used to apply for Alpha II.
  • Developers providing successful POC submissions will each receive 50,000 OST as developer rewards. Your developer reward will be distributed 1/12th per month over a 12 month period starting June 2018.
  • The same distribution scheme applies to the Grand Reward and for rewards won in one of the four additional categories
  • OST reserves the right to reject any project for any reason, and particularly will reject projects that obfuscate, break laws, harm others, infringe on other’s intellectual property, or rely mainly on third-party plugins.
  • Please understand that OST KIT⍺ will continue to be under active development. We will be working to continuously improve the OST KIT API while you are building your POC.
  • We will inform you timely of upcoming improvements so you can take them into account for your own work, and we will work hard to have minimal downtime to the best of our abilities. Thank you in advance for understanding we are actively building the technology at the same time.
  • Your first step (after reviewing the program rules) should be to study the API Resources. The OST KIT APIs are currently designed for simplicity and focused around users, transaction types, and transactions.
  • If your app integration requires functionality outside the current capabilities of the OST KIT API (e.g. writing smart contracts or non-fungible tokens), contact our development team at and we’ll try to help you proceed with your desired POC.


Make it turnkey: Build an amazing Proof of Concept that’s ready to go live tomorrow!

The one POC project that gets rewarded with 250,000 additional OST will also be featured prominently on our website, in a dedicated Medium post and as a Spotlight Use Case on our YouTube channel!


We created four categories, each with a reward of 25,000 additional $OST.

Lights, camera, action: Turn your video into a blockbuster.

Make it seamless and intuitive: Show a perfectly sleek UX.

Be a true visionary: Tokenise in ways never seen before.

Change the world: How will your POC improve our lives?

Every project is automatically eligible for one of the four reward categories.
One POC project per category will be selected at OST’s sole discretion.

We are super excited about the projects that will be brought to life in the weeks to come; and we’ll keep you up to date as creators are making progress with their Proofs of Concept.

Feel free to contact us at if you have any further questions. Again, thank you so much for making this happen!

About OST

OST is building the complete blockchain toolkit for business.
Our ambition is to be the blockchain technology partner of choice for businesses of all sizes and levels of technical sophistication, enabling any business to create, launch, and manage their own branded digital token economy powered by OpenST protocols and OST blockchain management software. The OpenST protocol enables companies to launch branded token economies on highly scalable, open, cryptographically auditable side blockchains. OST is actively investing in an ecosystem of developers and apps built on OST, to help drive requirements from actual use cases.




Seamlessly integrate crypto micro-transactions into any app. & launching @thepepoapp autumn 2019