I’m Sometimes Afraid to Write

Edward Punales
Other Doors
Published in
1 min readSep 22, 2018

For fear that I’ll say something really, really, stupid.

I don’t like wasting notebook paper,
But the paper doesn’t mind.

Papers should be to writers,
What buildings are to Godzilla,
Never a shred of guilt,
At their destruction.

They exist,
For us to consume.

The scariest thing,
About writing,
Is if you write something,

The truth.

Rip something out of you,
And put it on the table,
For everyone to examine,
Poke and prod it,
Someone might even try to cut it open,
And turn it inside out.

And if you’re lucky,
Someone will pay you for it.

And if not,
At least you got it out of your system.



Edward Punales
Other Doors

I am a writer and filmmaker. I love storytelling in all its forms. Contact Info and Other Links: https://medium.com/@edwardpgames/my-bibliography-6ad2c863c6be