Creativity Society

Sometimes it’s so hard to see the good things passing by. There might never be a sign. I’m telling you to make your move, when the time is right!

Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time
7 min readSep 2, 2017


When it comes to knowing to do the right thing and if that is the right thing to do in a moment, we have to accept that we don’t know everything and its within our choice to take the chance and see what it teaches us which will help us identify whether something is the right choice or not.

We have to, because we all don’t know everything. Nor do we know everything about everyone. So we must allow ourselves to hear and listen to other people’s stories to find out their past, present and possible future. What they’ve been through, what they did to get to where and who they are now.

Overall Health

Thinking about how our parents and teachers educate us on how to keep a healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise. But one thing I never knew was that mental health is another portion of that. Cyber bullying, poor mental health, lack of self esteem, and the list goes on.

Cyber bullying is still out there but I don’t think that enforcing a new law for all citizens of the world to follow is gonna fix or solve the cyberbullying problem entirely at all. We need to get in their heads in some way that they will actually listen to us and tell the bullies to stop or there will be real serious consequences.

Art is a great way to express ourselves and it can be useful and beneficial for many moments. It’s within our choice that we make that we allow art and beauty to be a part of our lives. Because without art and beauty, life would be black and white and boring.

When you add colour, art and beauty, life is so much better! Take a look for yourself; add something colourful, maybe an old art piece you made as a kid or anything at all, and see how it transforms your room, and your life!


I’ve been thinking after finishing Brene Brown’s book “The Gifts Of Imperfection” and I was more than able to relate to all of the things in the book and on top of that, have my own further thoughts I gained from my experiences of why I understand them all. And I’m so truly grateful for what she has taught me in her book.

And I definitely believe it will teach my parents many things that they weren’t seeing eye-to-eye with and everything in between that; I learned, gained and was inspired by from this book. I never knew this book was so good. So many of you reccommended it as a good read and same as my former life coach, Kristin too! Again, truly grateful; thank you!

Logical Sense!

Everything happens for a reason. People change so you can learn to let go. Things go wrong so you can appreciate them when they go right.

“Maybe happiness is this: not feeling like you should be elsewhere, doing something else, being someone else.”

Stop looking back on үour mistakes. What’s done is done. Learn from them and move on.

A good relationship is with someone who knows all your insecurities and imperfections but still loves you for who you are.

#365daysofselfcare Taking an off day and working on my blog, reading, and just relaxing before I go back to school this week.

Everybody has gone through something that has changed them in a way that they could never go back to the person they once were.

Positive self-talk boosts self-image & self-esteem, leading to positive self-talk. Take control of your self-talk & start a positive cycle.

When you lose something, don’t think of it as a loss; accept it as the gift that gets you on the path you were meant to travel on.

A secret to happiness is letting every situation be what it is instead of what you think it should be, and then making the best of it.

You either suffer the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. Pick a side.

Find someone who knows you’re sad just by the change of tone in your voice, and be with someone who loves the feature that you hate the most

Be kind to everyone around you. you never know what they’re going through

Just because you don’t know what someone is going through doesn’t mean you can tell them to “just get over it

Be kind to yourself. Loving yourself and valuing your own feelings is important.

Creativity is at your finger tips and it’s within your own mind and choice what you do with that!

Are you gonna take that chance and make it all but your own and to the very best that you intend it to become?

I love being creative, since I went to the colour fest in Hamilton with some friends August 20 2016, I was thinking of not only writing a creative article with the title: “Me, Myself & Creativity” but also ‘create’ art of my own like in this video:

Moroccan Oil: Inspired Series

Moroccan oil the inspired Series is something that truly inspired me as well as it would and has by other viewers. These videos like this one is more than what you may even expect.

Though each video covers a different issue that each member chose to take action and make a difference, they did it from their own choice and by their own self: one and one only!

You’d be surprised by what you can do when you set your mind to something! And remember to give the right amount of power to it and do your very best!

Creativity is a lot of things, it’s not just one basic, simple definition to the term itself. It is formed as a recipe: it takes more than just one ingredient!

Creativity is letting go of being wrong, letting go of fear and being brave and confident in your artwork.

It also takes imagination and the courage to embrace and share your talents and gifts through your artwork with no shame yet with utter confidence!

And when you create your art, do it because it makes you happy and you deserve to be!

When you look at something, if you are creative, you see things as they could be. You see them for how you could embrace and make its beauty come out for all to see. To beautify the qualities in something or someone!

Be bold, be courageous, be artistic, be strong, be heard and most importantly, be you!

I believe this more than I should like anyone else should. But it’s the truth. So many of us aren’t living to the fullest of our creative potential. We gotta be optimistic and hopeful enough to work hard for the things that we want and deserve!

It’s when we choose to make this lifestyle change that truly changes our life forever and our perspective of life itself!

It’s fine we unleash our creativity out into our world! So let it out and shine like a star! And show the world your truest beauty from within you!

“Creativity is more than just being different. Anybody can be plain weird; that’s easy. What’s hard is to be as simple as Bash. Making the simple, awesomely simple, that’s creativity.” – Charles Mingus



Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.