Now is Your Chance: Collect the Single-Edition The Sages Rant Collectibles from Book 1!

Ain Art Atos
Published in
8 min readOct 27, 2021

A precious Mustachio Collectibles auction this week is out to prove that you can get anything if you crave it badly enough. Four (4) artifacts and five (5) locations will be auctioned for two weeks starting October 26 through November 8, 2021.

MustachioVerse is holding the first-ever “The Sages Rant Collectibles Auction” on Tuesday, October 26 which will auction away a collection of single-edition, legendary pieces of artifacts and locations by artist Boii Mustache — not to the person with the highest offer but the person with the most vehement bid.

The Sages Rant Collectibles is a collection of single-edition, legendary pieces that can be acquired by participating in our auction happening this Q4 of 2021. Holders of these backgrounds and artifacts receive distinct strengths and can boost the rarity of their Mustachios — granting magical abilities and unlimited potentials.

The Artifacts

The Cutlass

“Shining atop a pile of wriggling vines, The Cutlass’ thin sharp edge gleams as it dances and cuts through the vines as they try to constrict the artifact. Almost sentient, the vines scream with each cut. And sentient they are as they feel the presence of the Mustachios and creep slowly as vines do but without the intention of letting anyone leave the clearing.”

The Cutlass is an artifact found in the Fellowcro Forest. As described in The Sages Rant Book 1 Chapter 2: The Blade at Fellowcro, it is a thin-sharped shavette that can cut almost anything. If the Mustachio handles this with care, it may cut the wielder.

The Lamp of Direction

“The sunlight is fading and so it begins. They started to keep looking. They moved every porch and even swam in the fountains, but nothing happened. A statue whose entirety is covered in moss seems to be familiar. “Aha!” said one Mustachio. “This one looks like the Prospector.” So the ten of them cleaned the statue until it shined, and when the last ray of sunlight hit its mustache, a bright lamp appeared out of its heart. This is the Lamp of Direction!”

As detailed in The Sages Rant Book 1 Chapter 3: Red, White, and Blue, The Lamp of Direction is a special barber pole that can basically perform as a compass. This artifact can point the user in the best direction. It may also direct the user to a perilous path. The Mustachios traversed the complex route in order to find this at the Grass Grin Maze.

The Charmed Comb

“Lucky for them that there is no undertow in this mess of a Cross Sea. That’s what makes the Broomstache of the Southern Seas special. Although, not a lot knows about it. Holding their breath at once, either to conserve their oxygen or to float in reverence, something shiny in the deep abyss. Deep in a coral’s mighty grip, a personification of a rock, lies the Charmed Comb, ever so shiny, so elegant, which can untangle almost any knot.”

The Charmed Comb is known to all Mustachios as the sailor’s best friend, and can only be found at the Southern Seas. As described in The Sages Rant Book 1 Chapter 4: The Secret of the Southern Seas, this artifact can untangle almost any knots. Those extremely tangled ropes should be no problem. It can also control rope and move it to any direction.

The Slippy Liquid

“Raging thunders sounded after a Mustachio uttered those words and after a while, the letters stopped on their own. It read,

“Slip and slam, bewitch a man

Food for his stomach, spirit in him to track

Tickle a lady, oh mustache that’s a beauty”

After a few moments of contemplating what this riddle meant, there’s only one thing that could make a mustache look so slick and styled. A beard oil, the Slippy Liquid!”

The Slippy Liquid is being used to enter hard-to-reach places. As revealed in The Sages Rant Book 1 Chapter 5: Myst of the Ancient Cellar, Mustachios should apply it to the body to easily slide into crevices. It can be too slippery but could make a mustache look so slick and styled. Mustachios must avoid using this under the sun or in hot environments. Cuz’ they can get fried.

The Locations

Bigode Cave

“An epic time to start a quest if you ask a bored Mustachio. The great wind seemingly nudges a group of Mustachios to an old cave.

Alas! The old Bigode Cave glowed bright like fire in the winter. And so the young Mustachios, curious as they are, trudged the wet trail to see what the glow is all about.

As they come upon the cave’s mouth, they see the glow pulsating from behind the rocks. Half hidden with debris, they find the source of this immense glow. It looks like a book with light leaking out from cracks on the cover and the pages.”

Bigode Cave is a cave on the North Island of MustachioVerse. As told in The Sages Rant Book 1 Chapter 1: The Inception, the cave is known for its population of Arachnocampa Luminosa, a glow worm species that gives bright like-fire light in the cave during winter. Inside the cave, you can see a Glowworm Statue with an amazing twinkling glow coming from the ceiling. As you move further into the cave, you can see an embankment full of limestone formations in different shapes and sizes.

Fellowcro Forest

“The youngsters begin to seek for the artifacts. One group comes to the mouth of Fellowcro Forest. The arching, gnarled, and twisted black trees that line the edge of the forest bodes a dark and treacherous trek if one even has the courage to enter.

Guided by the clues and descriptions left by The Prospector, The Mustachios enter the forest with calm minds and sharp senses. That at least is needed for the trail that leads them to the belly of a beast.

It must be nearing sunset outside the forest’s eternal night. The groups continue their hike into trails of the forest. Except for snarls and stares of creatures prowling behind the seemingly conscious overgrowth, nothing much exciting came along the way of the Mustachios. Safety in numbers, maybe.”

Fellowcro Forest is a vast acre forest at the southeast edge of MustachioVerse. As described in The Sages Rant Book 1 Chapter 2: The Blade at Fellowcro, this forest was a favorite hunting ground of the Mustachio royal families. However, this forest is not an ordinary one, it comes with naturally regenerated woods of native tree species where there is no clearly visible evidence of social activity. But once the ecological rule is disturbed, it will create chaos — taking no mercy on humanity, and no forgiveness will be seen, a degradation you cannot forget.

Grass Grin Maze

“The Mustachios are now out of the forest, but what lies ahead is another place, a location with trails of different directions. Exploring this massive area with confusion, they found an old rusty sign saying:

Grass Grin Maze:

where you can be completely lost

unless you’ll find something of red, blue, and white

that can be your forever light.”

Grass Grin Maze evolved from the knot gardens of Southern MustachioVerse and was first constructed during the mid-16th century. As detailed in The Sages Rant Book 1 Chapter 3: Red, White, and Blue, this maze was constructed from evergreen herbs, but, over time, the maze was covered by rare-robust growing Kunai grass. Initially, the maze was not intended to confuse Mustachios, but to provide a walking path. However, a mischievous Mustachio was disowned by his royal family, and he cursed this place — the start of unending obstacles and notorious sightings of apparitions.

The Southern Seas

Setting out on a voyage in the Southern Seas, the Mustachios enjoy the gentle breeze offered by the calm and serene waters. Unbeknown to them the danger slowly raging, waiting for the perfect time to strike.

As the night befall the Mustachios, chaos arose as none in particular started slamming into their ship, causing it to tip over. Poor little Mustachios, drenched in the cold cold water, falling in the whims of the rip tides.

The Southern Seas is a puzzling sea region in the western part of the MustachioVerse where several ships have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. As described in The Sages Rant Book 1 Chapter 4: The Secret of the Southern Seas, this sea area has been visited often by Hurricanes, not just ordinary, but the powerful storms that form in tropical waters and have historically cost thousands of lives and caused severe damage to Mustachios.

Lady Tickler Castle

Passing through the drawbridge, the Mustachios heaved a sigh of relief when the carriage finally found its bearing from the bumpy ride they annoyingly know so well.

They’re nearing their destination, the infamous abandoned Lady Tickler Castle.

This castle has its own share of creepy stories and mysteries. The most famous of them all is that Lady Tickler Castle houses magic that is unsettling because no one could foresee how it would be in the future. Not even the most seasoned seer.

As revealed in The Sages Rant Book 1 Chapter 5: Myst of the Ancient Cellar, the Lady Tickler Castle was one of the favorite residences of the old monarchs in MustachioVerse and the castle’s design adapts to the hills on which it rises, complimenting on a beautiful keep, the square with four towers, the hall covered with pointed barrel and lavish stained-glass windows. Though the castle’s appearance and size reflect the prestige and power of its occupant. This castle lies on the deep stories of terrible situations of slavery and thousands of deaths of hopelessness.

The Bidding Rate starts at 0.1 ETH!

The roving merchant will only visit the marketplace twice this year. So, don’t forget to participate in the auction to get these single-edition legendary pieces of backgrounds and artifacts — to boost the strengths and rarity of your Mustachios. What are you waitin’ for?

Join Boii Mustache in this first-ever “The Sages Rant Collectibles Auction”! The auction will end on November 8, 2021, so better take your chance and participate now cuz’ possibility of winning is always endless.

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Ain Art Atos
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Just your friendly neighborhood contractor