It’s harder than you think!

Saying you will do something is much easier than actually doing it

Raquel Diamond
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
2 min readApr 4, 2019


Being vegetarian is a lot harder than I thought it would be. It has made me realize how much meat I actually consumed before the DOT. This was especially true when my maternal grandparents came to visit the first few days I started going vegetarian because they are big carnivores and it was very hard to resist all the delicious food they offered me.

Every time I open the fridge I see the delicious prosciutto and all I can think of is how good that prosciutto would be in my stomach but I did do it — I resisted it! Although it has been challenging, it really has made me think and forced me to eat healthier and still get all the nutrients I need. I also have read about many people who were completely changed by going vegetarian in the best way possible.

In my opinion, going vegetarian can go one of two ways. One, it can make you very unhealthy because you are not eating any nutritious food (think Oreos, ice cream, and chips) and can get very sick. Or two, you can eat many plant-based foods and feel happier and healthier. In my case, I feel like I’m on the second route with being vegetarian because my diet is mostly plant-based and I feel good — I do not feel weak or sick.

Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success.

— Shiv Khera

An example of some of the healthy foods I have started eating are quinoa,(click here for 10 recipes of different ways you can eat quinoa in a healthy and delicious way) avocado toast and peppers. These are all delicious foods you can eat or substitute instead of eating meat.

