We’re done? I hope so

My 8th grade 2019 DOT project has come to an end! Please enjoy my detailed post on this tragic experience.

Kalea Isaac
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project
3 min readMay 15, 2019


After being vegan for a month I realized how much I value things like ice cream and decent pizza. After this experiment, I know I will probably never go vegan again or at least not for a while. However, that doesn’t mean I won’t try other sustainable things to help the earth. Something very important I learned about myself is that when faced with challenges if I have a good motive it will be easy to overcome the challenge. During the DOT project whenever I was tempted to cheat I just reminded myself of why I went vegan in the first place (discussed in my first DOT post). I pictured the pigs being slaughtered and cows burned which automatically returned me to my sustainable, animal caring self.

Being vegan was utterly struggling for me as the majority of you know and I hated it very much so I will not be continuing the DOT project any time soon. While I did have a bad experience with veganism I would definitely consider going vegetarian sometime soon in the future. I still care very much for the animals on this planet and being vegetarian would still help them however, it would not damage my emotional state the way being vegan did. My plan is to be diet free over the summer then when school starts to go either vegetarian or pescatarian. After seeing my peers’ projects I most definitely want to tackle on something else. Two of the things I want to start doing asap are taking shorter showers and walking as much as I can instead of using a car.

In 4 weeks I saved 44 grams of fish and 79.6 grams of dairy. My estimated yearly saving is 572 grams of fish and 1034.8 grams of dairy. According to PETA “The billions of chickens, turkeys, pigs, and cows who are crammed onto factory farms produce enormous amounts of methane” “Scientists report that every pound of methane is more than 84 times as effective as carbon dioxide is at trapping heat in our atmosphere”. By not eating meat I reduced the amount of methane produced in the air. If everyone went vegetarian there would be way less methane in the atmosphere and it would reduce the warming of the earth. United Nations says that humans only have 11–12 years to prevent irreversible damage from climate change. In 12 years I will be 25 years old just out of college. My children will have a life completely different than mine and will not be able to live on the earth we all know today. We only have 12 years until the damage we are making is no longer reversible so hopefully, more people start to take action on climate change and change their life for the better.

