How to Make a Living Through Your OZ club & Youtube Channels Part 2

Armina Ilea
OZ Team Blog


If you have already looked at THIS and you are convinced that a combination of your OZ & Youtube channels is the best way to go then here are the best ways to do so:

1. OZ as main environment with a touch of Youtube

You want your followers to watch as much as possible of your content and it seems that on Youtube, people come to watch one video in average and then they leave. On OZ you have a stream where your subscribers get pretty much on-going content 24/7, they don’t even need to touch the keyboard in the meantime. And it´s 24/7 of YOUR own content, no mix between the two venues, just the stuff they paid for and that they surely want to watch as much as possible of.

So you can keep all your videos on your OZ club, keep it exclusive, and use Youtube for short teasers and to redirect people to your subscription club. This will keep everyone updated on what you’ve been working on, what you have released and will build your subscribers base.

2. Allow your fans to support your work

An option is to keep all your videos on Youtube and available to your existing community. If you have built a huge fan base then you might want them to get access for free, after all you love your fans.

But your fans love you back! By adding the same content to your OZ club you are giving your fans the option to support you and your work. They will have to subscribe and pay a small fee, set by you, per month and get access to your curated content on demand in an ad-free environment. Even more, they will become super fans and OZ allows you to communicate with them and reward them for their support. You just need to make sure your fans are aware of both your club and channel and that they are given the opportunity to sign up to the OZ one. It´s all about your promotion efforts towards the two venues.

3. Hold your horses! Both on OZ & Youtube

How about you keep some videos on Youtube and even more videos on OZ? A particular series of videos can go only on your exclusive OZ club. Those who can’t get enough of you can subscribe to your club and watch more. You can even produce more content than you used to before & keep both venues up and running.

4. A window of opportunity

Out of your audience, many are super fans and they might want to get early access to your content. One option is to add your new content on OZ, some time before it gets posted on Youtube, it can be days, it can be weeks, you decide. Then those who want early access will buy into your club to get your content while it’s fresh and ahead of everyone else on Youtube.

Choose whichever option suits you and your content best. As long as you have the right messaging and make it clear to all your followers what´s what by pointing the benefits of your method, things can only go up and same for your revenues. Which method would you prefer? Share your thoughts in the comments!

