How to plan and successfully market your Live Stream event

Armina Ilea
OZ Team Blog
Published in
5 min readMar 17, 2016


You have decided that offering live events to your club members is a great way to keep them engaged, keep the content exclusive and fresh and build momentum. So, you probably already learned everything about how to set a live event and what equipment you need. But what next?

It’s time to market your event, of course!

There are couple promotional windows around a live event and you want to take full advantage of that. Read about how to leverage the OZ features for promotion. Even better, here are some ideas on how to successfully promote your event & build excitement around it:

1–2 weeks before you go live

It’s time to start your marketing campaigns for the event. The success of your club if completely dependent on it, so make sure to take advantage of all of your available platforms.

Coordinate posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ etc. And make sure you do that often, once a day for the whole week would be quite advisable but make sure your posts are diverse, add s poster now, a video teaser later and combine. Then you could think about maybe setting up a contest to get more attention. You can read about contests HERE.

Get a hashtag going, your club should already have a hashtag and you might even want a new one just for this event or for a series of events. #ForReal

If your strongest following is on Youtube than make sure to mention your upcoming live event in one of your videos there or even create a video just about teasing this live event.

If you already have a list of emails then you should definitely send a promo email letting people know about the upcoming event. You are also gathering emails through the Remind Me button on your event page so make sure you include those people in your campaign.

Last but not least, you want to promote the event to your already existing members so make sure to send a Post and announce the event to them too. They should be a priority in making sure they are aware of the event and that they will be enjoying it live. This is also about keeping your current members happy and making sure they stick on your club longer.

Two hours before you go live

Send out email reminders to all those who have added their emails on the event page through the Remind Me button. Tell them you are live in 2 (or more) hours and that, if they haven’t already, they should first join the club to get access to the stream.

Not marketing related: it’s also a good time to test your set-up for the live event. Details HERE.

While you are live

Do a quick post on all social media platforms announcing your fans that you are live. Nothing builds more excitement than something that has some urgency to it.

A live stream has no time limit on OZ. The duration can be from few minutes up to days.

According to what the live event is, there are many other ways to market the club while you’re live. If you are doing a live Q&A then you might want to ask people to create clips in real time and add their questions to each clip’s status. Then you can answer those questions in the live stream. If you are doing a full blown concert and you are on stage then you can have your club hashtag on the screen behind you for example. Get creative & get exposure!

After the live streaming is done

Once the live event is done, the recording will be automatically turned into a VOD and remain available for your members. You can also choose not to keep it on the club, all up to you. If you had a concert, you might want to send out a post thanking people for watching and directing them to the recording for those who didn’t make it in time to watch it live or for those who want to re-watch.

Now you have a list of emails from those who added theirs through the Remind Me button on your event page. Probably not all of them managed to actually sign-up for your club and watch the live event so make sure you keep them engaged by announcing the next live event or sending them other updates. If they see value in the content and your next events they will sign up. In time, after few live events, your email list will increase more and more and soon you will have a new, effective promo platform.

So, go ahead and set up a live event, market it and get the ball rolling!

Leave a comment if you have any questions about any of the advice mentioned. If you have already marketed one of your live events let us know what proved to be the most successful marketing tactic for you.

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