Our Dashboard Gets A Makeover

Armina Ilea
OZ Team Blog
Published in
5 min readApr 28, 2016


Having live analytics is really important to creators from different perspectives: it’s great for marketing because it helps optimize the efforts and choose the best platforms for promoting the club, and it’s good for planning because being aware of your growth helps you plan ahead, especially if you are going to be investing your revenues in production. All in all, it’s great for strategizing around your club, seeing what works and what doesn’t.

The dashboard available to all club owners was build with that in mind specifically. And in time we got to optimize the data, see exactly what is being used and where by club admins and get a better sense of the purpose of this data.

We decided to keep it simple & to the point, remove data that was not as powerful and keep the dashboard streamlined by focusing it on 4 main points:

The number of members gathered in the last 6 months

The number of Day Passes sold in the last month

Members by country

Referrals or where does the traffic to your club come from

Now let’s take each one and see how/why it’s an important data to keep in mind when running a club:

The number of members gathered in the last 6 months

The purpose of this graph is to let you know the number of members you have at every moment in time and help you calculate your revenues for the end of the month. The graph is showing data for 6 months so it allows you to see your growth over a longer period of time and help you analyze your increase or decrease in members at any point and make decisions based on that.

Let’s say you have lost quite some members in February, it’s good to know why that is, analyze your actions, did you add any videos then? did these members leave because there was nothing new to see? Or, ideally, your graph shows an on-going growth. Then you’re definitely doing something well, it’s good to know what that is so you can keep it up.

The number of Day Passes sold in the last month

Knowing the number of Day Passes once more helps you get a better idea of your revenues at the end of the month. However, the number of fans who bought Day Passes have already shown interest in your club so, you should ask yourself, what’s keeping them going for a monthly membership? Are you lacking some long-term efforts that would make them want to buy a monthly subscription? Maybe simply scheduling premieres and live streams for the future is enough to show them long term value. Or is your club just perfect for Day Passes because of all the big live events you are streaming? According to the numbers on both monthly subs and day passes you can also optimize your prices for both and see what works best for you.

Members by country

This is always a good point, where are your fans from? Are they from your own country or somewhere else? Do you have a core audience in a country you didn’t even know about? Maybe next concert should happen in that country, or maybe your videos should be released at hours that fit that country, same for the live streams.

If your target market is not doing as good then you know where to focus your next marketing efforts. If, let’s say, Iceland is your strongest audience according to the dashboard then it’s likely a lot more people from that market might be interested in your work, so you can set up some social media ads for that region to bring more subscribers.


Referrals show you where the traffic to your club comes from. Are most of your club visitors coming from your website? Are they coming from Facebook or Twitter? Or maybe people are finding your club through OZ. Knowing where your traffic comes from shows you which of your promo efforts are the most efficient and also which platforms you should be focusing on more.

If the traffic from your website is very low or inexistent then you might want to add a banner on your landing page to send people to your club page. If social media is doing great then you know to keep up the good work and maybe push on it even more because you know people there are more responsive and click on your stuff easier.

More traffic equals more people being aware of your great club and content equals more subscribers. So, do pay attention to where your traffic is coming from and if traffic is very low, make sure to increase it through marketing efforts.

If are the happy owner of a club then check the dashboard out on the creator tool. Log in with your credentials and your dashboard will be on the menu in the upper left side and there you can see all your data. Check it out and let us know your feedback at team@oz.com or just in the comments below.

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