The Spider Loved The Theater

Edward Punales
P.S. I Love You
Published in
1 min readAug 31, 2018

He’d made his web in the rafters,
Between a pair of bright stage lights.

Every night,
He’d sit there,
And watch quietly,
As the players came out,
And sang,
And danced,
Acting out tales,
Of Love,
And Tragedy.

The spider loved the theater,
Tapping his eight legs to catchy tunes,
Weeping his four eyes to high melodrama,
And clapping his twin pedipalps for dramatic finales.

The theater was a sacred place to him,
The audience its congregation,
The actors its preachers,
Their sermons shedding light,
On the intricacies of life,
Teaching lessons,
About Love,
And what it means to be alive.

All the great questions,
All the stunning achievements,
All the devastating failures,
Of Earth,
And the Human Race,
Laid bare upon the stage.

The spider loved the theater.

His favorite play was The Hunchback of Notre-Dame,
About a hideous creature,
Who could never live among the beautiful people,
That he saw every day,
From his tower,
In the old Cathedral.



Edward Punales
P.S. I Love You

I am a writer and filmmaker. I love storytelling in all its forms. Contact Info and Other Links: