#nevicata14 — public space built from a collective dream

Interstellar Raccoons
#nevicata14 story
Published in
5 min readOct 19, 2015

What is #nevicata14?

#nevicata14 is the experimental pedestrian configuration of piazza Castello, Milan, during Expo Milano 2015.

It works on three levels:

- Physical: through the design of structures that define the space of the square
- Social: through the construction of online/offline processes and services for the involvement and empowerment of the community affected by # nevicata14
- Political: through definition of a new system of rules of participation, for the use and management of the square

#nevicata14 is a co-authored project.

Both experts and not, residents and citizens of Milan have contributed to the design process, with their ideas and actions.

#nevicata14 is totally reversible.

As in November 2015 with a little effort the space will be available for a new permanent configuration.

how #nevicata14

The project proposes extensive use of public pedestrian space, and is intended as an ideal continuation of the Parco Sempione, behind the Castle, till the boundaries of the buildings. It is an experiment and verification that will allow to understand with more certainty the future of the so-called “Piazza Castello” after EXPO .

#nevicata14 is a free space reconquered by the people, ready to use.

There is equipment for the public use of square in this space: various types of seats, structures protecting from sun, dispensers of fresh vapors, platforms for public activities or shows, lighting elements, signage poles, toilets, etc … all supported by a wi-fi service verified in its functionality . The square has also got the trees in vases, with different flowers, arranged in clusters that represent real green shaded areas.

#nevicata14 is a vision that came true.

The space has changed quickly from an idea that is a dream, a space that temporarily changes its way of being watched, crossed and used.
All the equipment, devices and trees are organised in relation to the presence of white circular areas of various sizes, placed on the ground, as large patches of snow during a thaw.

why #nevicata14 is special

1. #nevicata14 is an experimental laboratory: besides offering a pleasant experience of Piazza Castello during Expo, it works to test a model for temporary pedestrianization of the square with the aim of producing a set of data, experiences, tools and a network of stakeholders to guide future decisions.

2. #nevicata14 is a platform for civic collaboration: in the design phase (since “Atelier Castello”) it was set up as a community of authors who collaborated for a common good: give a vision for the pedestrian piazza Castello. About 400 people have contributed, from Milan and all the world, both experts and ordinary citizens. To date, we are about 800.

3. #nevicata14 is open: there was not an imagined list of uses compatible with the square. Instead it was thought as an open infrastructure, which all citizens can appropriate and carry out activities of any kind in respect of others and the common good.

4. #nevicata14 is a public space with an identity, also visual, a website that provides easy access to all active services, the social channels that allow maximum content distribution and dialogue with citizens.

5. #nevicata14 has a system of services — physical and digital — to support the use of the square: calendars, applications, lighting technology, media library etc. #nevicata14 is also integrated with the main platforms on service of the city, such as Expo in Città.

6. #nevicata14 has a schedule of events, active since January 2015, a program of meetings to bring citizens to the project, explain and gather information, but also to provide animating activities and entertainment, including a month in Expo Gate as #nevicata14LAB .

7. #nevicata14 is an interdisciplinary project: not only architectural, but also communication, services, social inclusion and economic sustainability that in its wholeness designs an innovative public policy also thought to be replicable.


#nevicata14 is the result of collaboration between citizens, the City of Milan, the Triennale of Milan, the team of designers (Guidarini-Salvadeo and Interstellar Racoons), many partners (companies, other municipalities, associations etc).

Here all of them:


City of Milan

Project team:

Guidarini-Salvadeo: Stefano Guidarini, Pierluigi Salvadeo, Luca Varvello, Riccardo Spreafico, Clare Grignani + Chiara Bianchi
Interstellar Raccoons: Yulya Besplemennova, Camilla Ceschi, Chiara Cicchianni, Marco Lampugnani, Camilla Marini, Martina Pini, Marco Pioventini + Lucalberto Bordignon, Clara Michielon, Marta Iole Procaccio

contacts of #nevicata14

collection of links about #nevicata14 on Channelkit

www.facebook.com/nevicata14 www.twitter.com/nevicata14


