My Goals

Jordan Hamilton
2 min readMay 15, 2014

I am finding it difficult to define my goals as I am still not entirely sure what digital citizenship encompasses. . .

Citizenship is defined as “the status of being a citizen of a particular place.” I guess this makes everyone on-line a digital citizen. My 5 year old son who searches Monster Truck videos on YouTube and my 86 year old emailing grandma are all part of this world.

Citizenship can also be defined as “the qualities that a person is expected to have as a responsible member of a community.” What are those qualities? I want to be a responsible member of the on-line world, but I'm not entirely sure what that means for me. I don’t want to be spending all my time in front of a screen, but I have experienced some amazing connections through the digital world (particularly through my blog) and want to continue with that.

I think this leads me to make my first goal to gain a better understanding of what it means to be a responsible digital citizen. In order to achieve this I am going to pay particularly close attention to what others are saying in the #DCMOOC Google+ community and try to start a conversation on Twitter about it. I will also make a point of posting this blog on the #DCMOOC webpage. I am hoping to engage others to discuss what it means to them and through this better understand what it means to me.

My second goal will be to try out new programs (like Medium where you are currently reading this). I would like to organize the blogs I read on Feedly and add some more professional reading to my list. I also want to use TweetDeck to help me converse in a more user friendly way in the Twitter world. I am sure I will be introduced to many other programs over the next few weeks and I will do my best to share what I learn here.

Thanks for reading!

