ExoPlanets Development Update #2

4 min readAug 10, 2018


Greetings space explorers!

It’s time for another weekly dev update. Although it has been relatively quiet on our social channels, We hope that this update will give you a sense of what is going on behind the scenes. While you patiently wait, we’re working around the clock and are proud to bring you the following updates and news about our progress.

1.The open market is now live!
Players can put their ExoPlanets up for sale, or buy ExoPlanets from other players. In order to put your ExoPlanet up for sale, go to “My Planets” page and you’ll see a new “Sell” button on your planet. The “Market” page will only show planets that are for sale. There is now a new page called “Galaxy” which shows all the ExoPlanets in the game. Please note that the selling process is still not as smooth as it should be and we will polish it in the next few days, but it does work! Please wait for transactions to be confirmed and only then look for your planet in the market :)

If you’re thinking of selling your ExoPlanet, please consider the following:
-You will not receive the ExoTokens bonus of your planet. By selling it before claiming that bonus, you will also sell the ExoTokens with it to the new owner.
-The ExoPlanets will be more valuable when the game is launched.
-The ExoPlanets will be even more valuable when all ~3700 planets have been sold and no more will be created.
-We will have an airdrop after the TGE to all presale ExoPlanets owners (TokenID’s 0–190) in the value of the ExoTokens Bonus of your planet. That means you will get double ExoTokens if you are holding a presale ExoPlanet because you will get the ExoTokens bonus and an airdrop of the same amount!

If you have no choice and you need to sell, please try and keep true to this price table:

2. We have upgraded the ExoPlanets smart contract. The new contract address is: 0xb12E260275BcD28E6f8820666Ba02C67c9600843
The most important changes we’ve made are for the new open market. There are also several new functions that will allow us to fix mistakes when creating new ExoPlanets (as we have all witnessed when waiting for a new batch only to find the planets have wrong prices / names / cryptomatches / liferates). That way we will be able to edit newly created (unowned) ExoPlanets without having to skip TokenID’s of planets with bad info.

We have also tightened the rules of the game in the contract. Please do not try and play the game directly via the contract, as you might and will lose your funds (*cough* over-bidding we’re looking at you *cough*). It is against the user agreement of ExoPlanets to play and participate by interacting directly with our smart contracts. Only play and participate via our official website.

The last interesting thing that we did in the new contract is for promotional purposes — we have removed the dev fees from the open market! You can buy/sell ExoPlanets without paying a dev fee for the next couple of months or so, after which the dev fees will resume as they were. Enjoy your free trading!

3. TGE (Tokens Generation Event) is advancing slowly but surely, the white paper is almost ready and will be released during next week. In it you will find all the information you want and need about our plans, the TGE numbers, the roadmap and our team.

4. We want to introduce you to a whole new in-game mechanism that will make your gaming experience a whole lot more fun and exciting — Flags! Flags are new items in the game that will allow you to claim resource planets for a limited amount of time, thus preventing players from owning resource planets forever and opening the game to all kinds of new possibilities. Flags will add a lot of depth, strategy and ExoTokens to all of you! Since it is a bit too long for this post we wrote a separate article about the flags mechanism. You can read all about it in this article here.

Quite a busy week we had, and it only gets crazier. Next up: The evolution mechanism. We’re hoping to release this by the end of this month (August), and if all goes as planned you’ll be able to watch your beautiful ExoPlanets evolve and their surfaces changing very soon! So hang tight, keep being awesome and enjoy the silence while you can. Remember — Just because it’s quiet doesn’t mean nothing is happening, as you can see from this massive update ;)

With lots of love and excitement,
ExoPlanets.io Team.


Glimpse #1

