The 3 Qualities the People I Admire Most Have in Common

Develop these to become charming beacons of admiration.

Neeramitra Reddy
Ascent Publication
Published in
6 min readJun 16, 2021


As we go through life, we cross paths with thousands of others. Many remain strangers, some become acquaintances, few turn into close friends, but only a handful stand as beacons of admiration.

What sets the last kind apart from the others are not their achievements or standing in life but their redeeming qualities. Testament to this is that the people I admire come from diverse walks of life — a gym janitor, close friends, a watchman, and a professor, to name a few.

Despite forming quite a motley crew, I’ve found them all to possess three qualities in common. Developing these qualities has made me much more likable and admirable as well. You can also do the same.

The Core of Every Human Relationship

After my first epiphany, ashamed of the things I’d done in the past, I didn’t open up to anyone. But I soon met someone that I felt comfortable divulging everything.

This person, now a good friend of mine, had an awe-inspiring quality — he’d keep his mouth sewed shut. Whatever you told him stayed with him, safer than a high-security bank locker. And everyone adored him for that.

